Musim Mas

Vertically Integrated

Musim Mas Group is a fully integrated palm oil company with global operations across the entire value chain, enabling us to deliver high-quality products safely, efficiently and responsibly.

Upstream 3
Midstream 3
Downstream 1
Logistic 1

About Upstream

We are one of the world’s top oil palm plantation owners. Our operations in Indonesia include facilities to cultivate oil palm seedlings and trees, plantations to produce fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and mills to process FFB into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK).

Seed Nursery

We are working to intensify our land use by increasing our oil yield per hectare. Our plant breeding station, also known as the Genetic Research Centre, aims to provide the most advanced and elite planting materials. These are individually tailored to suit different environments, ensuring that we generate optimal yields across all our Group plantations.

This is achieved through intensive breeding programs and adopting high nursery management standards, as well as developing planting materials that possess desirable traits such as being able to generate early yield, having higher extraction rates and being diseases-free.

As quality and yield are of utmost importance to our growth and sustainability, Musim Mas continues to invest in ongoing and new trials across our plantations.


Our mills are in close proximity to our estates and FFB supplies. At the mills, CPO and PK are extracted from the FFBs. To optimize CPO extraction rates, we attempt to minimize losses during processing, which is also aided by investing in new technology and advanced equipment.

Plantation Management

We have large areas of planted land in different parts of Indonesia. We strive for efficient management to enhance the yield from oil palm trees.

This is achieved by developing scientifically based good agricultural practices related to fertilizer use, soil fertility (via organic matter preservation and ground cover management), as well as integrated pest and disease management.

Our plantations are managed by a team of highly experienced managers and staff who adhere to industry best practices in agronomic management such as those advocated by the RSPO Principles & Criteria. To reduce losses in the fields, the team ensures timely and efficient application of all inputs and implements efficient crop recovery methods.

About Midstream

Musim Mas Group is one of the largest palm oil companies in the world. The midstream business operates via a global network to refine CPO and crude palm kernel oil (CPKO). The scale of our operations ensures a reliable supply of raw materials. We also have our own ships, tankers plus storage facilities to distribute the refined products to global destinations.

Fractionation and Refinery Plants

We operate one of the largest refinery networks in Indonesia, covering major ports in the archipelago nation.

Kernel Crushing

Our kernel crushing plants, which are all situated in Indonesia, process palm kernels from palm oil mills into palm kernel oil (PKO) and palm kernel meal. These plants have a combined annual crushing capacity of 2.5 million tons.

Copra Crushing

We also operate a copra (coconut) crushing factory in Sulawesi, Indonesia that processes dried copra into crude coconut oil and copra meal expeller.

About Downstream

Our downstream operations process refined palm and palm kernel products into derivative products. These include specialty fats, soap noodles, oleochemicals, biofuels and functional products for industrial applications in food and non-food sectors. Every product is formulated and tested using stringent standards to achieve the ideal blend of performance and value to meet our customers’ needs.

As a result of our vertically integrated business model, we can deliver these products through a fully segregated supply chain of RSPO certified palm oil.

For more information on the range of palm oil and derivative products we provide, please refer to Products section.

About Logistic

We also merchandise and ship our products to global destinations via our marketing and trading arm, Inter-Continental Oil and Fats (ICOF). This is made possible through the Group’s strategically located bulk installations and transportation assets across the world, providing an efficient logistics solution for our customers.

From mills to customers, we have an extensive network of tanks and bulk installations at major ports across Indonesia, China, Europe and other parts of the world. Along with a significant fleet of trucks, road tankers and coastal vessels, we ensure timely and efficient delivery of our products to customers anywhere in the world.