Musim Mas
Date Progress
December 2017 Greenpeace released a report titled, “Deforestation Case Studies”.

  1. Agrindo Green Lestari cleared 3.000 ha of secondary forest between January 2016 – 19 October 2017.
  2. Citra Agro Abadi (as CAA subsidiary) cleared 120 hectares of forest in Central Kalimantan between September to 19 October 2017. The cleared forest were orangutan habitats.

We have engaged First Resources through a mill verification conducted with Muriniwood Indah Industry.

March 2018 We engaged with First Resources and raised our concerns on the report.
September 2018 19 September 2018:

Greenpeace published a report titled, “Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry”. The report alleged:

  • No RSPO membership for Fangiono Agro Plantation (PT FAP) and Ciliandry Anky Abadi Group (CAA)
  • No NDPE Policy for CAA and FAP though the latter has agreed to observe First Resources’ HCS policy as a supplier.
  • Clearance of 3,000 hectares of secondary forest by Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL) in Central Kalimantan, between January 2016 and October 2017.
  • Clearance of 120 hectares of forest by Citra Agro Abadi (CAA subsidiary) between September to 19 October 2017 in Central Kalimantan. The cleared forests were orangutan habitat.

The report further alleged those companies are linked to First Resources.

October 2018 First Resources clarified that none of the companies named above are subsidiaries and/or associated companies of First Resources (FR).  (As per its Annual Report, where the full list of First Resources subsidiaries are listed.)

The said companies are not suppliers to First Resources, therefore there are no commercial links between them.

First Resources put out clarifications on its relationship with:

  1. Ciliandry Anky Abadi and its two subsidiaries – Agrindo Green Lestari and Citra Agro Abadi (CAA Group) here.
  2. Fangiono Agro Plantation Group (FAP) here.

FR further clarified that FAP is an external supplier of CPO to them. FR has engaged with FAP in 2016 and FAP has agreed to observe FR’s HCS policy. They have since completed their HCS assessments and carved out HCS areas. FR expects all its suppliers to adhere to its sustainability policy and will not trade with suppliers who repeatedly breaches it. The policy and its requirement have been communicated by FR via engagement with its suppliers.

January 2019 The list of all of First Resources’ grievance cases can be found here.

Based on above statement, we consider the case resolved.