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July 2022  Mighty Earth RRR 40 highlighted 2 (two) deforestation alerts:

  1. PT Khatulistiwa Agro Abadi -> forest loss/clearance preparation covering 600 ha between January 2022 – June 2022
  2. PT Borneo International Anugerah -> forest loss/clearance preparation covering 87 ha between November 2021 – June 2022

Mighty Earth allegedly linked the above companies to PT Arjuna Utama Sawit (PT ARJ) as they shared the same shareholders.

September 2022 We have engaged PT ARJ in relation to this report. PT ARJ clarified that they do not have management control over Premier Palmoil Energy (PPE). However, PT ARJ will reach out to PPE on the allegation relating to First Borneo Group as mentioned on the NGO’s report.
December 2022 PT ARJ updated us that they are in the process of transferring their shares that are owned by Premier Palmoil Energy Pte LTD (Holding of PT ARJ) to an unrelated third party.  The release of the share signifies that there would be no connection between PT ARJ and the alleged deforesting companies; PT Khatulistiwa Agro Abadi and PT Borneo International Anugerah.

PT ARJ’s official statement can be accessed here.

We will monitor the transfer process closely.

August 2023 Due to no satisfactory response from PT ARJ  on the share transfer, we will not continue the commercial relationship with PT ARJ since end of August 2023.