Musim Mas
Date Progress
March 2022 

March 2022

FoE/WALHI report titled “No Consent: Astra Agro Lestari’s land grab in Central and West Sulawesi, Indonesia” highlights 3 subsidiaries of Astra Agro Lestari ( AAL), namely PT Agro Nusa Abadi, PT Lestari Tana Teladan, PT Mamuang, which are alleged to be responsible for numerous environmental, human rights, and governance violations.

Out of three companies mentioned in the report, only PT Agro Nusa Abadi (ANA) is part of our supply chain.

Based on the information within the report, Musim Mas engaged with AAL to share this report and seek clarification.
June 2022

AAL informed us that they had previously provided a response to Friends of the Earth (FoE) prior to the publication of the report.

The summary clarifications from the engagement process with AAL can be accessed here.

September 2022 

20 September 2022

Open Letter from Indigenous Peoples and civil society organisations to consumer goods companies regarding ongoing criminalization, human rights abuses, and land grabbing by AAL and subsidiaries, urging members of Customers Goods Forum to suspend of palm oil and palm oil kernel sourcing from AAL until conflicts between AAL subsidiaries and local communities have been resolved

To respond to the open letter, AAL published a public statement that can be accessed here.

Musim Mas continue the engagement and monitor the progress.

November 2022  Musim Mas held a meeting with AAL to discuss the issues in detail

Based on our meeting with AAL regarding the alleged issue raised by FoE/Walhi, we were made aware of the following information:

1.PT Mamuang

AAL explained that they have engaged the Donggala National Land Agency (BPN) regarding Land Certificate (SHM) that overlapped with PT Mamuang’s 1997 Land Use Certificate (HGU). BPN Donggala Regency provided a response letter stating that they had never issued SHM within PT Mamuang’s HGU.

2.PT Agro Nusa Abadi

The issue is that there are multiple land claims on the same land by several communities. Steps are needed to be taken to identify the verified land statement/ SKT (Surat Keterangan Tanah) holders by the government team. AAL has been working closely with a team appointed by North Morowali Regent to address these land claims, to identify and to verify the SKT holder.

The team, which consist of multiple government agencies, is working to verify community land claims. The process is still currently on going. AAL is processing the land compensation based on recommendation from the Team.

3.PT Lestari Tani Teladan

Regarding the Towiora village community, AAL has no conflict with the village, the relationship has been quite good so far. AAL has provided the assistance needed by the community, especially in the education sector.

December 2022 

Please find AAL public statements via following links:

  1. Response to FoE and ENS report published by AAL on 7 December 2022 [Download]
  2. Response to the Open Letter regarding the Allegations of Land-Rights & Environmental Abuses published by AAL on 2 October 2022 [Download]
March 2023

AAL released a joint statement dated 31 March 2023, stating that they have appointed an independent third party, EcoNusantara, to conduct a review of the allegations raised by FoE.

This decision was made based on consultations with some key stakeholders and deemed as best equipped since they have carried out an initial verification regarding the allegation.

EcoNusantara will start working shortly in April 2023. The verification is scheduled to be completed in six months and will be conducted independently and in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

The joint statement can be found on AAL website via this link

May 2023

AAL published a statement dated 12 May 2023 regarding the progress update on its Independent Third Party Verification by EcoNusantara. The statement can be found here.

EcoNusantara is planning to carry out a site visit to conduct an initial set of interviews with the community members, WALHI, as the communities’ advocate, and AAL-related staff.

EcoNusantara is engaged with WALHI at both local (Sulawesi) and national levels, while Robertsbridge is in communication with Friends of the Earth (US).

Update 26 May 2023 regarding the progress on  the Independent Third Party Verification by EcoNusantara. The statement can be found here.

EcoNusantara (ENS) began the on-the-ground process in Sulawesi on 22 May 2023 with two days of fact-finding in Palu.

Initially, on 25 May 2023, ENS had planned to meet with WALHI for consultation with two main objectives, namely: 

(a) Building a common understanding of stakeholders on the comprehensive verification agenda to be carried out within the next 3 months and, 

(b) To build effective communication during the verification process.

However, at the last minute, WALHI was unable to participate in the meeting.

Nevertheless, the site visits will commence on 26 May 2023 to affected communities within the sites of PT Lestari Tani Teladan, PT Agro Nusa Abadi, and PT Mamuang, followed by needs assessments in Toviora village. 

ENS will provide a progress report on 7 June 2023.

June 2023

Update 09 June 2023 

ENS published its third bi-weekly progress on the Independent Third-Party Verification against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

ENS has been visiting the three subsidiaries and interviewing public service officials and a number of community representatives from several villages. The purpose is to identify and engage with the community and specific individuals, as well as identify the specific locations of the land that has been subjected to disagreement and claims.

The verification activity has made some progress. The targeted interviewees provided good cooperation, especially the related community members. Although in this first stage, ENS wasn’t able to meet with all those who made claims.

ENS is open to opportunities for all interested parties to be involved in this activity to ensure the fairness of this verification.

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 23 June 2023 

ENS published its fourth bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan.

The second phase of site interviews at all three plantations had taken place in two approaches: 

Approach One: Confirm the recorded data and findings from phase one with the communities themselves and the local government. 

Approach Two: Reengage with individuals and communities who have yet to be interviewed in phase one. 

Based on the site interviews, there were signs of an improved uptake in the consultation.

ENS invited all other members of civil society to come forward and engage with them in order to best reflect the interest of all relevant communities. For details, please find the statement here.

July 2023

Update 07 July 2023

ENS published its fifth bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan.

For the past two weeks, ENS returned to re-open meetings with targeted stakeholders’ communities. The community interview activities had gone well, especially at Mamuang and Agro Nusa Abadi, where several members of the community have come forward and are willing to be interviewed regarding their land claims. 

In Lestari Tani Teladan, ENS was assisted by their field partner, academics from Tadulako University, to continue the needs assessment of the targeted communities. 

ENS recognized challenges faced in the field, but have resolved the issue and mitigated unexpected situation.

For details, please find the statement here.


Update 21 July 2023

ENS published its sixth bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan.

In Mamuang, ENS had constructive dialogue with the local communities, and the verification had moved ahead. There was one individual who has yet to be interviewed; however, ENS is striving to continue the communication through any possible channels. 

In LTT, ENS continues to clarify the claims and listens closely to the communities. ENS intends to move to a point where they can provide clarity on individual and group claims. 

However, progress in ANA remained a challenge. ENS was able to communicate with related parties, but some of the groups that submitted the claims were reluctant to indicate the location of the land claimed. At some points, there were overlapping claims between community groups on the same location of the land.

ENS and AAL again expressed that they remain open to discussion with all interested parties in determining the beneficial outcome for the communities around the plantations. 

For details, please find the statement here.

August 2023

Update 04 August 2023

ENS published its seventh bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

Data collection is almost complete, and ENS is moving into an analysis phase. During this phase, ENS would return to the field from time to time to clarify specifics. 

Interactions between ENS and communities on the ground have been running well, which is an encouraging indicator to move forward. 

ENS reiterates its openness to communities and individuals, including members of civil society, to continue to come forward. 

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 18 August 2023

ENS published its eighth bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan.

ENS has completed the on-the-ground verifications and concluded that large communities have been responsive and co-operative. There have been some reluctance to engage but ENS reassured everyone that albeit moving to a desk-based process, the discussion will remain open with any party. 

It would take some time for ENS to review and consolidate all of the data collected. During the process, ENS might need to re-visit the field for further clarifications. ENS will continue to keep all stakeholders updated with bi-weekly reports.

ENS remains open and encourages any communities and interested members of civil society members to come forward if they have any concerns. 

For details, please find the statement here.

September 2023

Update 01 September 2023

ENS published its ninth bi-weekly progress report on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan.

Currently, data consolidation is moving towards the internal review stage to check whether there is a clear linkage between evidence and assertion, to prepare for appropriate and correct follow-up recommendations. This process ensures that what is being reported is balanced, fair, and objective. Eventually, the final report will include all the evidence to support the conclusions reached.

At this stage, ENS does not have a precise publication date. However, they have assured all stakeholders that there will be a consultation process before the final publication. 

ENS continues to express their openness to engage all stakeholders on the ground as they are approaching the finalization of the report. 

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 15 September 2023

ENS published its tenth bi-weekly progress report on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

ENS is striving to meet several stakeholders’ expectations to review the draft report soon. However, there was one more update from the field which needed to be processed. 

Furthermore, ENS has also become aware of an ongoing government mediation process in two villages within the ANA area. ENS is waiting for the outcome of this mediation to better understand the implications of their report. 

ENS assures everyone that the draft report will be finalized as soon as they have every point of verification as accurate as possible. 

In the interim, ENS remains open to engaging with communities and members of civil society who have issues they wish to raise with ENS.

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 29 September 2023

ENS published its eleventh bi-weekly progress on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

There is no additional information of substance to be reported at this moment as ENS is continuously checking the very large quantity of the recorded data and evidence. 

ENS continues to welcome any communities and interested members of civil society to come forward if they have issues they wish to raise with ENS. 

For details, please find the statement here.

October 2023

Update 13 October 2023

ENS published its twelfth bi-weekly progress on Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

ENS is in the process of wrapping up the final assessment report and plans to send it to key stakeholders around the next two weeks. 

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 27 October 2023

ENS published its thirteenth bi-weekly progress on Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

The verification report has been finalized, checked, and proofed, and will be shared with key stakeholders early next week. 

For details, please find the statement here.

November 2o23

Update 10 November 2023

ENS published its fourteenth bi-weekly update on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

The verification report has been shared with key stakeholders, and feedback is welcome. 

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 24 November 2023

ENS published its fifteenth (final) bi-weekly update on the Independent Verification of allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

The final verification report has been sent to the key stakeholders for review on 31 October 2023. Comments have been received and reviewed in depth to be used as a reference in the development of an action plan as a follow-up step to the recommendation. 

The link to the full report will be published on both the ENS and AAL websites on 27 November 2023. 

All comments received during the review period will not affect the report. However, new evidence will be taken very seriously, and if any gives a clear indication of a need for further exploration, ENS and AAL will undertake to implement that. 

For details, please find the statement here.

Update 27 November 2023

AAL published the final Independent Verification Report to respond to allegations against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan. 

AAL remains open to looking at any further clear information and evidence that any stakeholder has and commits to resolving any arising issues. 

Currently, AAL is focusing their efforts and time on assimilating and then, delivering a proposed action plan to implement the recommendation contained in the report. AAL also invites and encourages interested or concerned parties about solving problems or wants to assist the community to be part of the process. 

AAL will continue to publish updates regarding this process periodically. For details, please find the statement here.

Update 30 November 2023

AAL published its stakeholders’ responses on Independent Verification of allegations report against AAL’s subsidiaries: Agro Nusa Abadi, Mamuang, and Lestari Tani Teladan here.

December 2023 08 December 2023

FoE (Walhi) published an article titled “Friends of the Earth groups denounce recent case of intimidation by Astra Agro Lestari, call for an immediate de-escalation.” 

Responding to the article, AAL published a public statement that can be accessed here.

February 2024 09 February 2024

AAL released a joint statement stating that they have re-appointed ENS to assist them in developing action plan following the recommendations of ENS’s independent verification of the allegations raised by FoE in 2022.

AAL will publish the finalized action plan and will keep updating stakeholder with monthly progress report.

In regards to the allegation of intimidation of the woman of Rio Mukti published by FoE (Walhi), the preliminary investigation on the field found that prior to the visit by AAL’s CSR team, there was a rumor from unknown sources that the company would arrest the people involved in the video. The visit was intended to discuss support measures that the AAL team could provide for economic improvement and to straighten out the rumor. It was also carried out at the specific invitation of the village head. It was misconstrued as an act of intimidation.

June 2024 21 Juni 2024

AAL published an action plan as a follow-up on the third party verification report.

The full document of the action plan can be found here.

Musim Mas will continue communication with AAL.