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September 2022
19 September 2022

RAN report titled “Carbon Bomb Scandals: Big Brands Driving Climate Disaster for Palm Oil” highlights a case of a palm oil farm controlled by Ibu Nasti.

She is alleged for operating a farm covering 27 acres in the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

The report alleged that the FFB from Ibu Nasti were delivered to PT Bangun Sempurna Lestari (PT BSL) through a broker named Alpian.

Based on the information within the report, we conducted an initial spatial analysis which then used as a baseline to engage with PT BSL.
October 2022

04 October 2022
PT BSL contacted Ibu Nasti regarding RAN report. Based on Ibu Nasti’s clarification letter that has been acknowledged by Head of Kampong Binanga, Runding Village, it is stated that Ibu Nasti’s farm located between Pasar Runding village and Oboh Village is not inside Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.10 October 2022Musim Mas explained that based on RAN report, Ibu Nasti’s farm is not only located on that 1 location. Based on Musim Mas spatial analysis, it was found that the farm partly falls inside Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

17 October 2022

PT BSL has conducted a verification based on the coordinates provided by RAN and found that the location of Ibu Nasti’s farm is not in line with the NDPE policy. Therefore, PT BSL has decided to stop sourcing FFB from Ibu Nasti since 18 October 2022.

We will monitor the implementation of PT BSL’s commitment, based on the above information.

26 – 27 October 2022
Aligned with Musim Mas Aceh Strategy commitment, we conducted a site verification to PT BSL.The verification summary is as follow:1. FFB traceability SOPPT BSL has traceability system in place. The following are highlights of the system implementations:

  • FFB purchase from suppliers that has TTP implementation mechanism. This includes collection of information related to legality and farm’s location from potential FFB suppliers.
  • Evidence of SOP socialization to relevant parties
  • Availability of FFB suppliers record
  • Commitment letter from PT BSL informing their supplier to not receive FFB from restricted and high-risk area
  • Evidence in the form of commitment letter from PT BSL’s FFB suppliers to not receive FFB from restricted and high-risk area.

2. FFB trader verification

We conducted in-depth site check for the trader buying from Mrs.Nasti. The locations visited are as follow:

  • Visit to trader’s office and collection point
  • Visit to farms selling to the trader

3.  Mrs. Nasti’s farm
Together with representatives of PT BSL and Mr.Alpian as the trader, we visited Mrs.Nasti’s farm (coordinates 2.650915,97.844023) in Binanga village as mentioned in the RAN report. It was verified that some part of Mrs. Nasti’s farm is located in Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

4. The notice/affirmation letter on the supply of illegal FFB.

  • PT BSL has issued and distributed notice/affirmation letter prohibiting the supply of illegal FFB. The letter includes the exclusion of supplies from Mrs. Nasti’s farm.
  • Socialization to the suppliers will be conducted on November 2022.

Conclusion and Recommendation

PT BSL needs to assure all of their FFB suppliers join the socialization and receive the written commitment letter to not receiving from restricted and high-risk areas.

Taking into account the actions taken by PT BSL, including stopped sourcing from the reported farm and committed to follow the identified improvement plan for the implementation of NDPE commitment, we consider the case is resolved.