Date | Progress |
September 2016 | 27 September 2016:
Greenpeace published a report titled, “A Deadly Trade-Off”.
Greenpeace also inquired about the “Confirmation of Trading Relationship” with the following companies: ANJ, Bumitama, Daewoo, Eagle High, Felda, Goodhope, Korindo, Noble, Olam, Pacific Interlink, Salim (Indofood/Gunta Samba/Gunta Jaya) and TH Plantations. |
December 2016 | We replied to Greenpeace to clarify on the related trading relationships. Our Sustainability Policy entails an active engagement process and a “controlled purchase” plan that involves an active monitoring on the supplier’s progress. We will engage the supplier and review its action plan.
Moving forward, we will seek a multi-stakeholder approach to include all stakeholders to expand our leverage. We do not have a direct link with Eagle High Plantation companies in the above-mentioned report but we purchase from one mill owned by Eagle High Plantation and was interlinked to one batch in December 2016. |
January 2017 | We sent a letter via our subsidiary, Megasurya Mas to enquire about Eagle High Plantation’s view on the report and the actions taken to address the issues raised in the report. |
April 2017 | In January 2016, Eagle High announced a new sustainability policy and publicly committed to addressing the sustainability issues.
Eagle High is working towards RSPO certification and committed to completing the HCV compensation plan which requires Land Use Change Analyses for all 28 plantations. No new plantings have taken place in the last two years. |
June 2017 | We met with the management team of Eagle High and reiterated our Sustainability Policy. We will proceed to work out our sustainability action plan together with Eagle High. |
December 2017 | Eagle High has maintained its moratorium on new plantings; Varia Mitra Andalan in Papua has not been developed.
It is working on sustainability initiatives in Papua on High Carbon Stock and its supply chain with an industry partner. Eagle High has submitted the Land Use Change Analysis (LUCA) for 10 out of 28 plantations as at September 2017. Two ISPO certifications have been attained for Jaya Mandiri Sukses and Pesona Lintas Surasejat. Eagle High is involved with an ongoing Orangutan conservation project in Ketapang. |
February 2019 | The Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) plans to exit from its ownership of Eagle High. |
March 2019 | Eagle High announces its first RSPO certification and progress on its sustainability initiatives. The full progress update can be read here.
Based on the above progress, we consider the case is resolved |