Musim Mas
Date Progress
November 2018 Mighty Earth RRR10 alleged Sumatera Jaya Agro Lestari (SJAL) cleared forest and peat in West Kalimantan between 12 August – 16 September 2018.
February 2019 We engaged Incasi Raya in February 2019 to verify the allegation of deforestation and clearance of peat.

Incasi Raya will study the allegation in the report and come back to Musim Mas. Incasi Raya and Musim Mas are committed to ongoing dialogue and cooperation to ensure on achieving sustainability requirements.

We will be following up with Incasi Raya closely and review the case within 90 working days.

August 2019

We met up with Incasi Raya’s management representative in the first week of August 2019 and requested to clarify the allegations against Arvena Sepakat and follow up with them on the progress of SJAL.
Musim Mas had a meeting with Incasi Raya Management on 08 August 2019. We have received confirmation during the meeting that land development at PT SJAL has stopped since March 2019.

Incasi Raya have planted cover crop at the area mentioned in the “Rapid Response Report” and no palm planting will be carried out at that particular area.

Taking  into account of the  action taken by the company  to impose a land-clearing moratorium, we consider this case resolved.