Musim Mas
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The Aceh Leuser landscape is a top priority for our engagement with the industry. We are working with other major Palm Oil players in a multi-stakeholder effort to identify scalable solutions for the landscape. 

The focus areas will be Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Timur and Aceh Singkil. The multi-stakeholder landscape work will entail engaging the local governments on policy development and spatial planning, identifying local NGOs to spearhead projects. We will follow up with more specific details on this landscape work in the near term.

For more information on our initiatives in Leuser, please download our factsheet.

Our engagements with the other suppliers operating within the Leuser Ecosystem can be found under our grievance page here:

  • Bumi Daya Agrotamas (BDA)
  • Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL)
  • Ensem Sawita
  • Global Sawit Semesta (GSS)
  • Pati Sari 
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara I
  • Mopoli Raya
  • Samudera Sawit Nabati (SSN) 
  • Syaukath Sejahtera
Date Progress
November 2014
11 November 2014:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) published a report titled, “The Last Place On Earth – Exposing The Threats To The Leuser Ecosystem: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot Deserving Protection”.

The first report highlighted a number of companies operating legally and illegally within the protected Leuser Ecosystem. In particular, the report contains field evidence that connects a refinery jointly owned by the Musim Mas Group and the Indonesian government’s state-owned Palm Oil Plantation company, PTPN II to a mill that processes Palm Oil fruit grown inside the Leuser Ecosystem.

We actively engaged with the suppliers located in the vicinity of the Leuser Ecosystem since RAN’s first report in November 2014.
January 2015 (Sisirau) Had discussions with Sisirau to understand its situation, after being suspended by RSPO, due to its failure in submitting land use change analysis and compensation approval.
November 2015 10 November 2015:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) published a report titled, “The Last Place on Earth – Tracking Progress And New Opportunities: To Protect The Leuser Ecosystem”.

The second report highlighted the efforts that have been undertaken to date by Wilmar International, Musim Mas Group and Golden Agri Resources and outlined the steps that can be taken to secure the ongoing protection of the Leuser Ecosystem.

June 2016 (Ensem Lestari) Conducted mill assessment with a third-party assessor. Based on the outcome of the risk assessment, Ensem Lestari was found to have some potential risks.
August 2016 (Bangun Sempurna Lestari) Conducted mill assessment with a third-party assessor.

Based on the outcome the risk assessment, Bangun Sempurna Lestari was found to have some potential risks.

November 2016

06 November 2016:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) published another report titled, “Protecting the Leuser Ecosystem: A Shared Responsibility

The third report highlights the evidence of continued forest clearance in the Palm Oil Plantation that supply mills in the region despite a current national moratorium on the forest clearance for Palm Oil expansion. The report also highlights the ongoing connection of major Palm Oil companies Wilmar International, Musim Mas Group and Golden Agri Resources – dubbed the ‘Big Three Buyers’ – have irresponsible Palm Oil sources from the region.

According to RAN, the documented activity violated the moratorium announced by the President of Indonesia in April 2016 and instructions from the Governor of Aceh made on 17 June 2016 ordering the same company to cease all forest clearance activities, including areas with existing permits.

Update February 2023:
We reiterate our commitment for the protection of the Leuser Ecosystem including the Tripa peatland.We are not sourcing from any of the companies operating in the Tripa peatland such as PT Surya Panen Subur II and PT Kallista Alam.
March 2017 31 March 2017:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) report titled, “PT Indo Sawit Perkasa caught destroying the lowland rainforests of Singkil-Bengkung”, where it alleged that PT Indo Sawit Perkasa (ISP) was actively clearing lowland rainforests in Singkil Bengkung.

April 2017 (Suppliers in Singkil Regency)
We sent letters to these suppliers: Bangun Sempurna Lestari, Delima Makmur, Ensem Lestari, Global Sawit Semesta, Nafasindo, Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti enquiring on their relationship with Indo Sawit Perkasa, who were found actively clearing lowland rainforest in Singkil-Bengkung.
We have received confirmation from PT Bangun Sempurna Lestari, PT Ensem Lestari, PT Nafasindo and PT Delima Makmur that they are not supplying from PT Indo Sawit Perkasa.
June 2017 We are finalising the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a multi-stakeholder platform involving the local government and donor organisation, the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). Other parties include major Palm Oil producers and technical consultant The Forest Trust (TFT).

The initiative will start with land-use planning and provision of services to improve oil yield and sustainability practices in the landscape related to smallholders.

July 2017 Rainforest Action Network (RAN) released an article titled, “PT Agra Bumi Niaga: Continues to Destroy Elephant Habitat and Sell Conflict Palm Oil to Suppliers of Major Brands Across the Globe”.

Ensem Sawita was highlighted as having purchased from Agra Bumi Niaga (ABN).

In the article by RAN, RAN fielded an investigation which allegedly found evidence of active, illegal clearance of critically endangered Sumatran elephant habitat within the rainforests of the Leuser Ecosystem. The supplier in question was a Palm Oil producer known as Agra Bumi Niaga (PT ABN) who supplies a neighbouring crude Palm Oil processing mill operated by Koperasi Prima Jasa (KPJ) which supplies to major buyers.

The case tracker for Ensem Sawita can be found in our grievance page here.

September 2019
Musim Mas has informed in writing its current and former suppliers and required them not to supply FFB from the companies that located inside protected area by providing them with maps of high-risk areas in Aceh.
30 September 2019:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) published a report titled, “The Last of the Leuser Lowlands: Field Investigation Exposes Big Brands Buying Illegal Palm Oil From the Singkil-Bengkung Peatlands”, which highlighted the role of major food brands, traders and global banks in driving deforestation in Leuser Ecosystem’s Singkil-Bengkung region.

The report alleged several palm oil mills to be sourcing illegal FFB, one of which was Global Sawit Samesta (GSS). GSS sourced illegal FFB through a broker, CV. Buana Indah who in turn bought from Smallholders illegally planting palms inside the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

The report also reported that Samudera Sawit Nabati (SSN) sourced illegal FFB through a broker, CV. Buana Indah who in turn bought from Smallholders illegally planting palms inside the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

The case tracker for Global Sawit Semesta (GSS) and Samudera Sawit Nabati (SSN) can be found in our grievance page here.

October 2019 29 October 2019:

RAN’s report “Major Brands Again Caught Sourcing Deforestation-Linked Palm Oil” showed that PT Laot Bangko carried out land-clearing in the Leuser Ecosystem as recently as August 2019. The report further alleged that Bumi Daya Agrotamas (BDA), Musim Mas’ supplier, has continued to source from PT Laot Bangko.

The case tracker for Bumi Daya Agrotamas (BDA) can be found in our grievance page here

December 2019 Supplier workshop was held in Subulussalam, Aceh Province, for the mills and FFB suppliers within the Singkil district.
May 2020

04 May 2020:

RAN published two Leuser Watch articles titled, “Exposed: Elephant Habitat in Leuser Ecosystem Under Fresh Attack – PT Indo Alam Slashing and Burning Lowland Rainforests” and “Chainsaws Enter Indonesia’s Orangutan Capital”.

“Exposed: Elephant Habitat in Leuser Ecosystem Under Fresh Attack – PT Indo Alam Slashing and Burning Lowland Rainforests” report focused on PT Indo Alam which is alleged to have carried out illegal burning of forest inside critically important habitat of Sumatran elephants. PT Indo Alam is also reported to have cleared over 130 hectares of forest since the Indonesian government enacted a moratorium on forest clearing in this area.

“Chainsaws Enter Indonesia’s Orangutan Capital” exposed PT Indo Sawit Perkasa for breaching the moratorium of land-clearing in the Leuser Ecosystem, reducing the forest cover in its concession from 124 hectares to 44 hectares between February and March 2020.

Acknowledging Musim Mas does not have direct business relation with PT Indo Sawit Perkasa and PT Indo Alam, we reached out to our suppliers to ask whether they have any business relation with the two companies mentioned in RAN Leuser Watch May 2020 Report.

In May 2020, Musim Mas re-informed in writing and reminded the suppliers of their earlier agreement not to purchase or receive FFB from the companies accused of deforesting inside the Leuser Ecosystem and the protected Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve, including the companies reported on RAN Leuser Watch May 2020 Report.

September 2019 and June 2020 We have received confirmation from current and former suppliers that they are respecting their commitments not to accept FFB from Leuser Ecosystem and the protected Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve, including the companies reported on RAN Leuser Watch May 2020 Report.

Musim Mas is committed to NDPE policy and if a supplier is found to source from areas breaching our NDPE policy, Musim Mas will take action by engaging with the supplier and reviewing our business relationship if the supplier is not demonstrating willingness to cooperate.

June 2020 24 June 2020:

RAN published another Leuser Watch article, “Amidst COVID-19 lockdown deforestation for palm oil climbs”. The fourth report highlighted PTPN I as having failed to adopt a “No Deforestation, No Peatland and No Exploitation” policy to align with the expectations of global consumers, and the published policies of major brands and palm oil traders, and as having continued opening roads and land clearing of potential High Conservation Value (HCV) areas and High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests in the Leuser Ecosystem.

The case tracker for PTPN1 can be found in our grievance page here.

August 2020 21 August 2020:

RAN report titled “Major Brands and Banks Complicit in the Production of Conflict Palm Oil on Stolen Community Lands in Indonesia” highlighted the following issues:

a. Issues highlighted by RAN:

  • Decades-long unresolved conflict between Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL) with the Pante Cermin community
  • Negligence process to seek Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from Pante Cermin community
  • Lack of proper permits for PT DPL to operate
  • Development on peat
  • Use of military personnel to intimidate and displace community members.

b. According to RAN’s field investigation, Beurata Subur Persada (BSP) has received Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) from DPL

c. RAN stated that DPL has committed to a moratorium for land clearing

The case tracker for Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL) can be found in our grievance page here.

September 2020 21 September 2020:

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) published a report titled: “Royal Golden Eagle Group Links Global Brands and Financiers to Deforestation In the Leuser Ecosystem”. The issues are as follows:

  • RAN highlighted PT Tualang Raya (PT TR) for clearing at least 60 hectares of lowland rainforest inside the Leuser Ecosystem over the past six months in 2020.
  • According to RAN’s field investigation, the Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) from PT Tualang Raya was harvested and transported to a mill operated by Syaukath Sejahtera (SS).

 The case tracker for Syaukath Sejahtera (SS) can be found in our grievance page here.