Musim Mas
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Date Progress
March 2024

Mighty Earth RRR 43 indicates peat development (including forest areas) with total of 1,300 ha between December 2016 – December 2022 and 107 ha between December 2022 – April 2023 in Kusuma Alam Sari concession.

The report alleges that the FFB from Alas Kusuma Group (Kusuma Alam Sari and Sawit Jaya Makmur) entered Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa. 

We have reached out to Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa for clarification regarding this allegation.

Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa has clarified that their last transaction with Kusuma Alam Sari and Sawit Jaya Makmur was in November 2022.