Musim Mas
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December 2016 19 December 2016:

Chain Reaction Research Article “Tunas Baru Lampung TBK” highlighted several issues.

  • Under-declared planted area size in its 2015 ACOP
  • New development without fulfilling RSPO NPP
  • Deforestation by subsidiary, PT Solusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP) in West Kalimantan
  • New land development by subsidiary, PT Dinamika Graha Sarana (PT DGS) in areas targeted for restoration by the Indonesia’s Peat Restoration Agency

TBL met the Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) on the issue of peat clearance in Jakarta.

January 2017 We engaged with TBL regarding the allegations mentioned in the Chain Reaction Research Report. We applied ‘controlled purchase’ on TBL’s mills in South Sumatera.
May 2017 Rainforest Foundation Norway and Aidenvironment report titled, “Nordic investments in banks financing Indonesian Palm Oil”. The report highlighted that SJP cleared 1,200 hectares of peatland forests between April 2016 – April 2017.
August 2017 We also verified TBL’s statement on no further development at PT SJP in West Kalimantan and that the Group was not clearing land.
December 2017 Greenpeace report titled, “Deforestation case studies” was sent directly to us via email.
January 2018 We touched base with TBL to initiate a meeting.
February 2018 A meeting has been arranged for 24 April 2018.
March 2018
Chain Reaction Research article titled, “Tunas Baru Lampung: Contested land and peat clearing could drive substantial value loss” which alleged SJP of deforesting and converting peat.
TBL issued a statement refuting the allegations in the Chain Reaction Research article, stating that the article contains inaccuracies.
April 2018
We met with the management team to seek clarifications on points raised in the Chain Reaction Research report published in March 2018.
The management team clarified on the points raised in the Chain Reaction Research report, as reflected in the statement published in March 2018.
July 2018 Our last purchase was in July 2018.
August 2018 TBL admitted to clearing peat land in PT SJP and PT Bumi Perkasa Gemilang until end-2016.
September 2018 19 September 2018:

Since then, Greenpeace published a report titled, “Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry“.

The report mentioned that between 04 May 2015 – 10 April 2018, SJP cleared about 1,145 hectares of peatland forest.

As our last purchase date was in July 2018, we consider the case close.