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Agrindo Green Lestari

Agrindo Green Lestari

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepat 27

Dugaan deforestasi Dugaan terkait dengan FAP Agri

09 Mei 2020


Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL)
Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL)

Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Tidak aktif

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Greenpeace: "Deforestation Case Studies" Report

Pembukaan hutan, termasuk habitat orangutan. Dugaan terkait dengan First Resources

December 2017RSPO
2Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL) Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL)

Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace Report: "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry"

Pembukaan hutan, termasuk habitat orangutan. Dugaan terkait dengan First Resources

September 2018RSPO
3Amanah Saham Pahang (ASPA)

Amanah Saham Pahang (ASPA)


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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 30


06 August 2020Non-RSPO
4Anglo Eastern Plantations (AEP)Alno Agro Utama

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 1

Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi

17 November 2017Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


View Progress

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 1

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

17 November 2017Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Greenpeace: "Deforestation Case Studies" Report

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

December 2017Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Greenpeace: Laporan "Hitungan Mundur Terakhir: Sekarang atau Tidak Sama Sekali untuk Memperbaiki Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit"

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

19 September 2018Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 14

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

12 April 2019Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 15

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

22 May 2019Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 24

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

31 January 2020Non-RSPO
5Anglo Eastern PlantationsKahayan Agro Plantation (KAP)


Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 25

Dugaan deforestasi dan konflik sosial

06 March 2020Non-RSPO
6Anugerah Langkat MakmurAnugerah Langkat Makmur

Tidak aktif

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Laporan Chain Reaction Research (CRR): “Deforestasi yang Didorong oleh Kelapa Sawit Turun ke Titik Terendah dalam Empat Tahun.”


08 March 2022

7Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 14

Dugaan deforestasi dan persiapan pembukaan lahan

12 April 2019Non-RSPO
7Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)

Tidak aktif

Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 23

Dugaan deforestasi dan persiapan pembukaan lahan

08 January 2020Non-RSPO
8Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)Arjuna Utama Sawit (ARJ)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 40

Diduga ada hubungannya dengan PT Khatulistiwa Agro Abadi dan PT Borneo International Anugerah

July 2022Non-RSPO
9Asian AgriUsaha Sawit Unggul (USU)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 17

Diduga bertanggung jawab atas berbagai pelanggaran lingkungan, hak asasi manusia, dan tata kelola

18 July 2019RSPO
10Astra Agro Lestari (AAL)

Agro Nusa Abadi

Lestari Tani Teladan



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Laporan FoE/Walhi, “Tanpa Persetujuan: Perampasan Lahan Astra Agro Lestari di Sulawesi Tengah dan Barat, Indonesia”

Diduga bertanggung jawab atas berbagai pelanggaran lingkungan, hak asasi manusia, dan tata kelola

March 2022Non-RSPO


Astra Agro Lestari (AAL)

Agro Nusa Abadi

Lestari Tani Teladan



Surat Terbuka dari Masyarakat Adat dan organisasi masyarakat sipil kepada perusahaan barang konsumsi

Diduga bertanggung jawab atas berbagai pelanggaran lingkungan, hak asasi manusia, dan tata kelola

September 2022Non-RSPO


Astra Agro Lestari (AAL)

Agro Nusa Abadi

Lestari Tani Teladan



FoE Article “Friends of the Earth groups denounce recent case of intimidation by Astra Agro Lestari, call for immediate de-escalation

Diduga bertanggung jawab atas berbagai pelanggaran lingkungan, hak asasi manusia, dan tata kelola

December 2023


11Astra Agro Lestari (AAL)Multiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

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Pahlawan Hutan: Laporan "Mandarin Oriental: Kami Bukan Penggemar Perusakan Hutan Hujan Anda".

Deforestasi Konflik Lahan Gambut

18 May 2015Non-RSPO
11Astra Agro Lestari (AAL)Multiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

“Penilaian Keberlanjutan Astra Agro Lestari”

Deforestasi Konflik Lahan Gambut

May 2015Non-RSPO
12Austindo Nusantara Jaya (ANJ)Permata Putera Mandiri Putera Manunggal Perkasa

Tidak aktif

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Greenomics: Laporan Tahun-tahun Sibuk ke Depan Hingga 2017


21 July 2014RSPO
12Austindo Nusantara Jaya (ANJ)Permata Putera Mandiri Putera Manunggal Perkasa

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace: Laporan Pengorbanan yang Mematikan


September 2016RSPO
12Austindo Nusantara Jaya (ANJ)Permata Putera Mandiri Putera Manunggal Perkasa

Tidak aktif

Artikel "Felda dituding punya hubungan dengan perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit yang kontroversial”


17 March 2017RSPO
13Bangun Sempurna Lestari (BSL)Bangun Sempurna Lestari (BSL)

Tidak aktif

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Laporan RAN berjudul “Skandal Bom Karbon: Merek Besar yang Mendorong Bencana Iklim bagi Minyak Kelapa Sawit"

Mendapatkan TBS dari Ibu Nasti (melalui Alpian)

19 September 2022Non-RSPO
14Bonti Permai Jayaraya (BPJ)Bonti Permai Jayaraya (BPJ)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: x Laporan Respon Cepat 19

Dugaan deforestasi

10 September 2019Non-RSPO
15Bukit Barisan Indah Prima (BBIP)Artha Prigel (AP)


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GresNews: Berita “2 Petani Lahat Tewas, Wilmar International Dkk Didesak Putus Rantai Pasok Bukit Barisan Indah Prima”

Masalah Sosial dan Konflik Lahan

23 March 2020Non-RSPO
16Bukit Bintang Sawit (BBS)Bukit Bintang Sawit (BBS)

Tidak aktif

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Surat dari Walhi Jambi

Sengketa tanah

16 February 2016Non-RSPO
17Bumi AgroPT Bumi Agro Prima


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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 33

Dugaan deforestasi

April 2021Non-RSPO
18BumitamaAndalan Sukses Makmur (ASMR)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepats 23


08 January 2020RSPO
19BumitamaBumitama Agri Limited

Tidak aktif

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Greenpeace: "Penghancuran: Bersertifikat"

Dugaan kegagalan implementasi RSPO

10 March 2021RSPO
20BumitamaDamai Agro Sejahtera (DAS)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 22


06 December 2019RSPO
21BumitamaMultiple Subsidiaries


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Greenpeace: Laporan "Bankir Kotor - Bagaimana HSBC Membiayai Penghancuran Hutan untuk Minyak Kelapa Sawit".

Deforestasi Legalitas Gambut

17 January 2017RSPO
21BumitamaMultiple Subsidiaries


Greenpeace: Laporan "Hitungan Mundur Terakhir: Sekarang atau Tidak Sama Sekali untuk Memperbaiki Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit".

Deforestasi Legalitas Gambut

19 September 2018RSPO
21BumitamaMultiple Subsidiaries


Greenpeace: Laporan "Keinginan untuk Mendapatkan Bagian"

Deforestasi Legalitas Gambut

13 November 2018RSPO
22Bumi Daya Agrotamas (BDA)Bumi Daya Agrotamas (BDA)


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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Merek-merek Ternama Kembali Ketahuan Membeli Laporan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Terkait Deforestasi

Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi di Ekosistem Leuser

29 October 2019Non-RSPO
23Bumi Sama Ganda (BSG)Bumi Sama Ganda (BSG)

Tidak aktif

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Laporan RAN berjudul ““Penghancur Hutan Hujan Terkenal Tertangkap Membawa Minyak Kelapa Sawit ke Pasar Global”

Pengambilan TBS dari PT Nia Yulided Bersaudara

08 December 2022Non-RSPO
24Bunga GroupValue Greenworld Sdn Bhd

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepat 32


January 2021Non-RSPO

Ciliandry Anky Abadi (CAA)

Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL)

Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Tidak aktif

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Greenpeace: Laporan "Studi Kasus Deforestasi".

Deforestasi, pembukaan habitat orangutan

December 2017RSPO
25Ciliandry Anky Abadi (CAA)

Agrindo Green Lestari (AGL)

Citra Agro Abadi (CAA)

Tidak aktif

Foresthints: Artikel Anggota POIG Terkait dengan Drainase Kawasan Restorasi Gambut

Deforestasi, pembukaan habitat orangutan

September 2018RSPO
26Dhanistha Surya Nusantara (DSN)Banyu Kahuripan Indonesia (BKI)

Tidak aktif

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Foresthints: Artikel Anggota POIG Terkait dengan Drainase Kawasan Restorasi Gambut

Eksploitasi lahan gambut yang terbakar

12 December 2018Non-RSPO
26Dhanistha Surya Nusantara (DSN)Banyu Kahuripan Indonesia (BKI)

Tidak aktif

Foresthints: Artikel Musim Mas Membuat Klaim yang Meragukan tentang Pemasok

Exploitation of burnt peatlands21 February 2019Non-RSPO
27Dhanistha Surya Nusantara (DSN)Sabhantara Rawi Sentosa (SRS)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 21

Dugaaan deforestasi

06 November 2019Non-RSPO
28Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL)

Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL)

Tidak aktif

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Laporan Merek-merek Besar dan Bank Terlibat dalam Produksi Minyak Kelapa Sawit Konflik di Lahan Masyarakat yang Dicuri di Indonesia

Masalah Sosial dan Konflik Lahan

21 August 2020Non-RSPO
29 Eagle High Plantation (EHP)Arrtu Energie Resources

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 22


06 December 2019RSPO
30Eagle High Plantation (EHP)

Arrtu Energie Resources

Tandan Sawita Papua

Varia Mitra Andalan

Tidak aktif

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Greenpeace: Laporan "Pertukaran yang Mematikan".

Deforestasi Membakar Hak Asasi Manusia Buruh

27 September 2016RSPO
31Ensem SawitaEnsem Sawita

Tidak aktif

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Laporan PT Agra Bumi Niaga: Terus Menghancurkan Habitat Gajah dan Menjual Minyak Kelapa Sawit Konflik ke Pemasok Merek Ternama di Seluruh Dunia

Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi di Ekosistem Leuser

July 2017Non-RSPO
32FAP AgriKetapang Hijau Lestari

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepat 9

Dugaan deforestasi

30 October 2018Non-RSPO
33FAP Agri

Karangjuang Hijau Lestari

Bulungan Hijau Perkasa


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Laporan FPP berjudul Bayangan First Resources Menggantung Masyarakat Dayak Agabag

Kedua perusahaan tersebut diduga telah mengambil alih tanah leluhur Masyarakat Dayak Agabag di Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia, tanpa berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan masyarakat yang terkena dampak

November 2022Non-RSPO
34FAP AgriTirta Madu Sawit Jaya

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepat 22

Dugaan deforestasi

06 December 2019Non-RSPO
35Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Citra Niaga Perkasa (CNP)


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Laporan Chain Reaction Research: "The Chain: Felda Global Ventures Diduga Melanggar Undang-Undang Lahan Gambut Pemerintah Indonesia, Perusahaan Tidak Setuju


10 May 2017RSPO
35Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Citra Niaga Perkasa (CNP)


Buletin Greenpeace: "Peringatan Minyak Kelapa Sawit"


July 2017RSPO
35Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Citra Niaga Perkasa (CNP)


Mighty Earth Laporan Respon Cepat 20


12 October 2019RSPO
36Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Felda Global Ventures (FGV)


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Wall Street Journa (WSJ): Artikel "Pekerja Migran Minyak Kelapa Sawit Menceritakan Pelanggaran di Perkebunan Malaysia "

Hak Asasi Manusia Buruh

27 July 2015RSPO
36Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Felda Global Ventures (FGV)


Grant & Eisenhofer ESG Institute: Petisi " Grant & Eisenhofer ESG Institute Memohon Pemerintah AS untuk Memblokir Impor Minyak Kelapa Sawit yang Diproduksi oleh FGV Holdings Berhad di Malaysia, Berdasarkan Bukti Praktik Pekerja Anak dan Kerja Paksa "

Hak Asasi Manusia Buruh

24 June 2019RSPO
36Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Felda Global Ventures (FGV)


International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF), Rainforest Action Network dan SumOfUs: Petisi " LSM Menyerukan Bea Cukai AS Untuk Memblokir Impor Minyak Kelapa Sawit Kerja Paksa "

Hak Asasi Manusia Buruh

12 October 2019RSPO
37Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Temila Agro Abadi (TAA)


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Chain Reaction Research (CRR): Laporan "The Chain: EKSKLUSIF - FGV Berisiko Dikeluarkan dari Rantai Pasokan Karena Pelanggaran Berulang"

Kebakaran Deforestasi Gambut

18 April 2017RSPO
37Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Temila Agro Abadi (TAA)


Chain Reaction Research (CRR): Laporan "The Chain: Felda Global Ventures Diduga Melanggar Undang-undang Lahan Gambut Pemerintah Indonesia, Perusahaan Tidak Setuju "

Kebakaran Deforestasi Gambut

10 May 2017RSPO
37Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Temila Agro Abadi (TAA)


Buletin Greenpeace: "Peringatan Minyak Kelapa Sawit "

Kebakaran Deforestasi Gambut

July 2017RSPO
37Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Temila Agro Abadi (TAA)


Greenpeace: Laporan "Hitungan Mundur Terakhir: Sekarang atau Tidak Sama Sekali untuk Memperbaiki Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit".

Kebakaran Deforestasi Gambut

19 September 2018RSPO
37Felda Global Ventures (FGV)Temila Agro Abadi (TAA)


Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 9

Kebakaran Deforestasi Gambut

October 2018RSPO
38Gemilang Sawit LestariGemilang Sawit Lestari

Tidak aktif

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Eyes on the Forest (EoF): Laporan Tidak ada seorang pun yang Aman

Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi di Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo

05 April 2016Non-RSPO
38Gemilang Sawit LestariGemilang Sawit Lestari

Tidak aktif

Eyes on the Forest (EoF): Laporan Sudah Cukup


Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi di Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo

08 June 2018Non-RSPO
39Global Sawit Semesta (GSS)Global Sawit Semesta (GSS)


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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Laporan Dataran Rendah Leuser yang Terakhir: Investigasi Lapangan Mengungkap Merek Besar yang Membeli Minyak Kelapa Sawit Ilegal dari Lahan Gambut Singkil-Bengkung

Membeli TBS dari perusahaan yang diketahui melakukan deforestasi di Ekosistem Leuser

30 September 2019Non-RSPO
40Global Sawit Semesta (GSS)Global Sawit Semesta (GSS)

Tidak aktif

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Laporan RAN berjudul “Skandal Bom Karbon: Merek Besar yang Mendorong Bencana Iklim bagi Minyak Kelapa Sawit "

Pengambilan TBS dari Pak Mahmudin (melalui Natama Prima)

19 September 2022Non-RSPO
41Goodhope / Carson CumberbatchMultiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

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Pengaduan RSPO


Konflik Lahan

Hak Asasi Manusia

19 April 2016RSPO
41Goodhope / Carson CumberbatchMultiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace: Laporan "Pertukaran yang Mematikan"


Konflik Lahan

Hak Asasi Manusia

27 September 2016RSPO
41Goodhope / Carson CumberbatchMultiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace: Laporan "Bankir Kotor - Bagaimana HSBC Membiayai Penghancuran Hutan untuk Minyak Kelapa Sawit"


Konflik Lahan

Hak Asasi Manusia

17 January 2017RSPO
41Goodhope / Carson CumberbatchMultiple Subsidiaries

Tidak aktif

Peringatan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Greenpeace: "Goodhope Asia Holdings Ltd"


Konflik Lahan

Hak Asasi Manusia

31 March 2017RSPO
42Goodhope / Carson CumberbatchRIM Capital

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 22

Dugaan deforestasi

06 December 2019RSPO
43Group companies held by Mr Chow Chuin Hai and Sultan of JohorPTD 1815


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Mighty Earth Laporan respon cepat 38

Deforestasi (diduga ada kaitannya dengan Jernih Kemboja melalui AA Sawit selaku Pemrakarsa Proyek PTD 1815)

15 February 2022Non-RSPO
44Hardaya Plantation Group / Cipta Murdaya (CCM Group)Hardaya Inti Plantations (HIP)


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Greenpeace: Laporan "Studi Kasus Deforestasi".

Deforestasi Legalitas

December 2017Non-RSPO
44Hardaya Plantation Group / Cipta Murdaya (CCM Group)Hardaya Inti Plantations (HIP)


Greenpeace: Hitung Mundur Terakhir: Laporan Sekarang atau Tidak Sama Sekali untuk Memperbaiki Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit

Deforestasi Legalitas

19 September 2018Non-RSPO
45Hardaya Plantation Group / Cipta Murdaya (CCM Group)Sebuku Inti Plantation


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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 41

Dugaan Deforestasi

February 2023Non-RSPO
46Harita Group

Kemakmuran Berkah Timber 

Roda Mas Tbr Kalimantan

Tidak aktif

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Bagaimana Perlawanan Masyarakat Lokal Menyelamatkan Hutan Hujan Terakhir di Kalimantan

Dugaan Masalah Sosial dan Konflik Lahan

Diduga  pemegang saham terkait dengan Bumitama Agri Ltd Group

February 2023Non-RSPO
47Incasi RayaArvena Sepakat

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 17


18 July 2019Non-RSPO
48Incasi RayaMakmur Agro Lestari (MAL)

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 23


08 January 2020Non-RSPO
49Incasi RayaSumatera Jaya Agro Lestari (SJAL)

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 10


November 2018Non-RSPO
50IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupBintuni Agro Prima Perkasa (BAPP)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Laporan Respon Cepat 1

Deforestasi Gambut

17 November 2017Non-RSPO
50IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupBintuni Agro Prima Perkasa (BAPP)

Tidak aktif

Laporan Greenpeace: “Hitungan Mundur Terakhir: Sekarang atau Tidak Sama Sekali untuk Mereformasi Industri Minyak Sawit”

Deforestasi Gambut

19 September 2018Non-RSPO
51IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupDuta Rendra Mulya (DRM) Sawit Khatulista Lestari (SKL)

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Aidenvironment: “Palm Oil Sustainability Assessment of Salim-related companies in Borneo peat forests”Peat11 April 2018Non-RSPO
51IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupDuta Rendra Mulya (DRM) Sawit Khatulista Lestari (SKL)

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace Report: “Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry”Deforestation Peat19 September 2018Non-RSPO
52IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupPP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Rainforest Action Network (RAN) Report: "The Human Cost of Conflict Palm Oil"Human Rights09 June 2016Non-RSPO
52IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupPP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk

Tidak aktif

RSPO ComplaintHuman Rights11 October 2016Non-RSPO
53IndoAgri/IndoFood/Salim GroupRayatama Jaya Harapan Rimba Jaya

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 2Deforestation23 December 2017Non-RSPO
54IndonusaInternusa Jaya Sejahtera

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 7DeforestationAugust 2018Non-RSPO
54IndonusaInternusa Jaya Sejahtera

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace Report "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry"Deforestation19 September 2018Non-RSPO
54IndonusaInternusa Jaya Sejahtera

Tidak aktif

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 10DeforestationNovember 2018Non-RSPO
54IndonusaInternusa Jaya Sejahtera

Tidak aktif

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 11DeforestationDecember 2018Non-RSPO
54IndonusaInternusa Jaya Sejahtera

Tidak aktif

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 12Deforestation30 January 2019Non-RSPO
55Kalimantan Sawit Kusuma (KSK)Fajar Saudara Lestari (FSL)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 22Deforestation06 December 2019Non-RSPO
56Korindo Group

Tunas Sawa Erma

Berkat Cipta Abadi

Dongin Prabhawa

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Burning Paradise ReportDeforestation Fires Land ConflictSeptember 2016Non-RSPO
57Korindo GroupGelora Mandiri Membangun (GMM)

Tidak aktif

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Perilous - Korindo, Land Grabbing & Banks ReportLand Conflict13 November 2018Non-RSPO
58KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Asiatic Persada

Tidak aktif

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Forest Peoples Programme: “The Governor of Jambi Province Must Take Action to Tackle Unscrupulous Conduct of Palm Oil Plantation PT Asiatic Persada” StatementLand Conflict Human Rights07 October 2013Non-RSPO
58KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Asiatic Persada

Tidak aktif

Mongabay report titled “Indonesian Palm Oil company demolishes homes and evicts villagers in week-long raid”Land Conflict Human Rights14 December 2013Non-RSPO
58KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Asiatic Persada

Tidak aktif

Eco-Business: "Palm Oil Row Erupts in Sumatra, Leaving One Dead" ArticleLand Conflict Human Rights07 March 2014Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Asiatic Persada

Tidak aktif

SOMO Report: "The Two Hats of Public Security Actors in Indonesia"Land Conflict Human RightsJune 2017Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)

Graha Agro Nusantara

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report 43

Sourcing FFB from Alas Kusuma Group

March 2024



KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)

Graha Agro Nusantara

Agriprima Cipta Persada

Agrinusa Persada Mulia

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Greenpeace Report: “Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry”Deforestation19 September 2018Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Jatim Jaya Perkasa (JJP)

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Greenpeace: "License to Kill" ReportPeat Fires22 October 2013Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Patiware

Tidak aktif

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Greenomics: "Grievance Report"Peat30 June 2015Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Patiware

Tidak aktif

SOMO Report: "The Two Hats of Public Security Actors in Indonesia"PeatJune 2017Non-RSPO


KPN Plantations (Formerly known as Ganda/GAMA Group)Sumatera Unggul Makmur (SUM)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response 28Deforestation06 June 2020Non-RSPO


Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK Berhad)

Menteng Jaya Sawit Perdana (MJSP)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 18Peat12 August 2019RSPO


Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia (MAKIN Group)Mekar Karya Kahuripan (MKK)

Tidak aktif

View Progress

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 17PeatJuly 2019Non-RSPO


Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia (MAKIN Group)Cipta Karsa Kahuripan (CKK)

Tidak aktif

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 21Deforestation06 November 2019Non-RSPO


Medco AgroMedcopapua Hijau Selaras (MPHS)

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Environment Investigation Agency (EIA) Report "The Papua Palm Plantation Risk ProfilesDeforestationJanuary 2017Non-RSPO


Medco AgroMedcopapua Hijau Selaras (MPHS)

Tidak aktif

Environment Investigation Agency (EIA) Report "Papua Oil Palm Plantation Update 2018"DeforestationMay 2018Non-RSPO


Menthobi Mitra LestariMenthobi Mitra Lestari

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 16Forest Clearance. Alleged link to Bakrie Group08 June 2019Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place on Earth - Exposing the Threats to the Leuser Ecosystem: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot Deserving Protection" ReportDeforestation11 November 2014Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

Tidak aktif

Greenomics Indonesia: "The Only Place on Earth is being Bulldozed by Supplier of Two IPOP Signatories" ReportDeforestation06 May 2015Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

Tidak aktif

Greenomics Indonesia: "Already One Month Without A Solution" ReportDeforestation10 June 2015Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

Tidak aktif

Greenomics Indonesia: "Exactly 9 Months since Signing of IPOP - Zero Impact on Protecting the Leuser Ecosystem" ReportDeforestation30 June 2015Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

Tidak aktif

Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place on Earth - Tracking Progress and New Opportunities: To Protect the Leuser Ecosystem" ReportDeforestation10 November 2015Non-RSPO


Mopoli RayaAloer Timur

Tidak aktif

Rainforest Action NetworK (RAN): "Protecting the Leuser Ecosystem: A Shared Responsibility" ReportDeforestation06 November 2016Non-RSPO


Mulia Sawit GroupPersada Era Agro Kencana (PEAK)

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Chain Reaction Research: "The Chain: Malaysian BLD Tops List of Major Deforesters in 2018" ArticleDeforestation Peat04 October 2018Non-RSPO


Mulia Sawit Group

Persada Era Agro Kencana (PEAK)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 9Deforestation Peat30 October 2018Non-RSPO


Mulia Sawit GroupPersada Era Agro Kencana (PEAK)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 10Deforestation Peat20 November 2018Non-RSPO


Mulia Sawit GroupPersada Era Agro Kencana (PEAK)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 11Deforestation Peat19 December 2018Non-RSPO


Mulia Sawit GroupPersada Era Agro Kencana (PEAK)

Tidak aktif

Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 12Deforestation Peat30 January 2019Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place On Earth - Exposing The Threats To The Leuser Ecosystem: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot Deserving Protection" ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat11 November 2014Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place On Earth - Tracking Progress And New Opportunities: To Protect The Leuser Ecosystem" ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat10 November 2015Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "Protecting the Leuser Ecosystem: A Shared Responsibility" Report Illegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat06 November 2016Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): “PT. Indo Sawit Perkasa caught destroying the lowland rainforests of Singkil-Bengkung.” Report Illegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat31 March 2017Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): PT Agra Bumi Niaga: Continues to Destroy Elephant Habitats and Sell Conflict Palm Oil to Suppliers of Major Brands Across the Globe ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality PeatJuly 2017Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


RAN Leuser Watch: “Elephant Corridor Has Been Cleared by Indonesian State Company Despite Moratorium on Palm Oil by President.” ArticleIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat14 December 2018Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


RAN Leuser Watch: “Forest Loss Rises Sharply in Critical Leuser Ecosystem Lowlands” ArticleIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat17 May 2019Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): The Last of the Leuser Lowlands: Field Investigation Exposes Big Brands Buying Illegal Palm Oil From the Singkil-Bengkung Peatlands ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat30 September 2019Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "Major Brands Again Caught Sourcing Deforestation-Linked Palm Oil" ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat29 October 2019Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN) Leuser Watch: “Exposed: Elephant Habitat in Leuser Ecosystem Under Fresh Attack – PT Indo Alam Slashing and Burning Lowland Rainforests.” Report Illegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat04 May 2020Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN) Leuser Watch report titled “Chainsaws Enter Indonesia’s Orangutan Capital”Illegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat04 May 2020Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)

Multiple Companies


RAN Leuser Watch: “Amidst COVID-19 lockdown deforestation for palm oil climbs” ArticleIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat24 June 2020Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


Rainforest Action Network (RAN): “Major Brands and Banks Complicit in the Production of Conflict Palm Oil on Stolen Community Lands in Indonesia” ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat21 August 2020Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Leuser Ecosystem)Multiple Companies


 Rainforest Action Network (RAN): “Royal Golden Eagle Group Links Global Brands and Financiers to Deforestation In the Leuser Ecosystem” ReportIllegal FFB Deforestation Land Conflict Legality Peat21 September 2020Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Tesso Nilo)Multiple Companies


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Eyes on the Forest (EoF) [a coalition of environmental NGOs in Riau: Walhi Riau, Jikalahari and WWF-Indonesia]: "No One is Safe" ReportIllegal FFB05 April 2016Non-RSPO


Multiple Suppliers (Tesso Nilo)Multiple Companies


Eyes on the Forest (EoF): "Enough is Enough"Illegal FFB08 June 2018Non-RSPO


Musim Mas GroupAgrowiratama

Tidak aktif

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RSPO ComplaintRSPO Violations15 March 2021RSPO


Musim Mas GroupBerkat Sawit Sejati (BSS)

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RSPO ComplaintDeforestation26 June 2019RSPO


Musim Mas Group

Multipersada Gatramegah (MPG)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 37Mighty Earth (ME) alleged Musim Mas (MM) of clearing 6.6 hectares of HCS forest (HCS) in PT Multipersada Gatramegah’s concessionDecember 2021RSPO


Musim Mas Group

Musim Mas (March 2020)

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RSPO ComplaintRSPO Violations24 March 2020RSPO


Musim Mas Group

Musim Mas (September 2020)

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RSPO ComplaintRSPO Violations21 September 2020RSPO


Musim Mas GroupSarana Esa Cita (SEC) and Mulia Indah (MI)

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RSPO ComplaintLand Conflict31 July 2017RSPO


MusirawasSumur Pandanwangi

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 6PeatJuly 2018Non-RSPO


MusirawasSumur Pandanwangi

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 10Peat20 November 2018Non-RSPO


MusirawasSumur Pandanwangi

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 11Peat19 December 2018Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupHenrison Inti Persada (HIP)

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RSPO ComplaintDeforestation Peat25 October 2013Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupHenrison Inti Persada (HIP)

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Greenpeace: "Dirty Bankers" ReportDeforestation Peat17 January 2017Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupHenrison Inti Persada (HIP)

Tidak aktif

Chain Reaction Research (CRR): "Noble Group: Cost of Capital and Deforestation Risks underpriced?" ReportDeforestation PeatJanuary 2017Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupPusaka Agro Lestari (PAL)

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Greenpeace: "Dirty Bankers" ReportDeforestation Peat Land Conflict17 January 2017Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupPusaka Agro Lestari (PAL)

Tidak aktif

Chain Reaction Research (CRR): "Noble Group: Cost of Capital and Deforestation Risks underpriced?" ReportDeforestation Peat Land ConflictJanuary 2017Non-RSPO


Noble Agri GroupPusaka Agro Lestari (PAL)

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RSPO ComplaintDeforestation Peat Land ConflictJune 2017Non-RSPO


Pati SariPati Sari

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place On Earth - Exposing the Threats to the Leuser Ecosystem: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot Deserving Protection" ReportIllegal FFB11 November 2014Non-RSPO


Pati SariPati Sari

Tidak aktif

Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last Place on Earth - Tracking Progress and New Opportunities: To Protect the Leuser Ecosystem" ReportIllegal FFB10 November 2015Non-RSPO


Perbadanan Pertanian Negari Pahang, PKNPTembeling

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 31DeforestationNovember 2020Non-RSPO


Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN1)Blang Tualang


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RAN Leuser Watch: “Elephant Corridor Has Been Cleared by Indonesian State Company Despite Moratorium on Palm Oil by President.” ArticleDeforestation14 December 2018Non-RSPO


Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN1)Blang Tualang


RAN Leuser Watch: “Forest Loss Rises Sharply in Critical Leuser Ecosystem Lowlands” ArticleDeforestation17 May 2019Non-RSPO


Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN1)Blang Tualang


RAN Leuser Watch: “Investigation underway into forest loss for palm oil in Leuser Ecosystem” ArticleDeforestation04 June 2019Non-RSPO


Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN1)Blang Tualang


RAN Leuser Watch: “Amidst COVID-19 lockdown deforestation for palm oil climbs” ArticleDeforestation24 June 2020Non-RSPO


PKPP Plantation Sdn BhdCherating

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Mighty Earth Report 31DeforestationNovember 2020Non-RSPO


PKPP Plantation Sdn BhdSungai Charu

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Mighty Earth Report 30Deforestation06 August 2020Non-RSPO


Prosper Group/Far East Berhad HoldingsBewani Oil Palm Plantations (BOPPL)


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NGO Email sent to Musim MasDeforestation04 September 2017Non-RSPO


Prosper Group/Far East Berhad HoldingsBewani Oil Palm Plantations (BOPPL)


Greenpeace: "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry" ReportDeforestation19 September 2018Non-RSPO


Pundi Group

Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa (PLK)

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Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report 43

Sourcing FFB from Alas Kusuma Group

February 2024



Runding Putra Persada

Runding Putra Persada

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RAN report titled "Carbon Bomb Scandals: Big Brands Driving Climate Disaster for Palm Oil"Sourcing FFB from Mr. Mahmudin (via Buana Indah)19 September 2022Non-RSPO


Sampoerna AgroUsaha Agro Indonesia (UAI)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 22

Deforestation06 December 2019RSPO


Samudera Sawit Nabati (SSN)

Samudera Sawit Nabati (SSN)

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN): "The Last of the Leuser Lowlands: Field Investigation Exposes Big Brands Buying Illegal Palm Oil from the Singkil-Bengkung Peatlands" ReportIllegal FFB30 September 2019Non-RSPO


Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS)Borneo Sawit Gemilang (BSG)

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Foresthints: "Palm Oil Expansion in LiDAR - Mapped Peat Still Undetected" ArticlePeat23 April 2018RSPO


Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS)

Kalimantan Sawit Abadi (KSA)

Tidak aktif

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Greenomics: "IPOP Observer: IPOP Signatories are the Biggest Buyer of Palm Oil" ReportPeat04 June 2015RSPO


Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS)Sawit Mandiri Lestari (SML)

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RSPO Complaints CaseRSPO Violations05 June 2015RSPO


Sime Darby Plantations (SDP)SDP Derawan, SOU 33

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 19Deforestation10 September 2019RSPO


SIPEFPT Agro Muara Rupit

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Mighty Earth Rapid Response 32Alleged deforestationJanuary 2021RSPO


Sumber Tani Agung (STA)Sumber Tani Agung (STA)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 39Sourcing FFB from PT Sawit Sukses SejatiMay 2022Non-RSPO


Sumber Tani Agung (STA)Tantahan Panduhup Asi (TPA) (November 2017)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 1Illegal FFB17 November 2017Non-RSPO


Sumber Tani Agung (STA)Tantahan Panduhup Asi (TPA) (July 2019)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Reponse Report 17Deforestation18 July 2019Non-RSPO


Syaukath SejahteraSyaukath Sejahtera

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 Rainforest Action Network (RAN): “Royal Golden Eagle Group Links Global Brands and Financiers to Deforestation In the Leuser Ecosystem” ReportIllegal FFB21 September 2020Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)

Deru Semangat Sdn Bhd (DSSB)

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Chain Reaction Research (CRR): "The Chain: Tabung Haji Plantations to Develop New Oil Palm Concession, Once Again Breaching Buyers' NDPE Commitments" ReportDeforestation09 April 2020Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)Hydroflow Sdn Bhd

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 14Peat12 April 2019Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)

Ladang Tabung Haji

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 15Deforestation22 May 2019Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)

Persada Kencana Prima (PKP)

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Greenpeace Letter to Consumer Goods Companies on Non-compliant SuppliersDeforestation Peat04 May 2018Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)Persada Kencana Prima (PKP)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 5Deforestation Peat16 June 2018Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)Persada Kencana Prima (PKP)

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Greenpeace: "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry" ReportDeforestation Peat19 September 2018Non-RSPO


TH Plantations (THP)TH Pelata Meludam Sdn Bhd

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Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report 18Peat12 August 2019Non-RSPO


Triputra Agro Persada (TAP)Dwiwira Lestari Jaya (DLJ)

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Mighty Earth Rapid Reponse Report 12Deforestation30 January 2019RSPO


Triputra Agro Persada (TAP)Putra Katingan Pratama (PKP)

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Mighty Earth Rapid Reponse Report 17Deforestation18 July 2019RSPO


Tradewinds Plantation Sdn BhdKurun Sumber Rezeki (KSR)

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 17Deforestation Legality18 July 2019Non-RSPO


Tradewinds Plantation Sdn BhdTrans Kenyaland Sdn Bhd

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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 18Peat12 August 2019Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupBumi Perkasa Gemilang (BPG)

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Rainforest Foundation Norway and Aidenvironment Report “Nordic investments in banks financing Indonesian Palm Oil ”PeatMay 2017Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupBumi Perkasa Gemilang (BPG)

Tidak aktif

Chain Reaction Research Report "Tunas Baru Lampung: Contested land and peat clearing could drive substantial value loss"PeatMarch 2018Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupDinamika Graha Sarana (DGS)

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Foresthints: "Top officials investigate extent of Palm Oil company's Peatland violations” ArticlePeat28 November 2016Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupDinamika Graha Sarana (DGS)

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Chain Reaction Research Article "Tunas Baru Lampung TBK"Peat19 December 2016Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSamora Usaha Jaya (SUJ)

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Rainforest Foundation Norway and Aidenvironment Report “Nordic investments in banks financing Indonesian Palm Oil ”PeatMay 2017Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSamora Usaha Jaya (SUJ)

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Greenpeace Report "Deforestation Case Studies"PeatDecember 2017Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi Group

Samora Usaha Jaya (SUJ)

Tidak aktif

Chain Reaction Research Report "Tunas Baru Lampung: Contested land and peat clearing could drive substantial value loss"PeatMarch 2018Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSamora Usaha Jaya (SUJ)

Tidak aktif

Greenpeace Report "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry"Peat19 September 2018Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSolusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP)

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Chain Reaction Research Article "Tunas Baru Lampung TBK"Peat Deforestation19 December 2016Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSolusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP)

Tidak aktif

Rainforest Foundation Norway and Aidenvironment Report “Nordic investments in banks financing Indonesian Palm Oil ”Peat DeforestationMay 2017Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSolusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP)

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Greenpeace: "Deforestation Case Studies" ReportPeat DeforestationDecember 2017Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSolusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP)

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Chain Reaction Research Report "Tunas Baru Lampung: Contested land and peat clearing could drive substantial value loss"Peat DeforestationMarch 2018Non-RSPO


Tunas Baru Lampung /Sungai Budi GroupSolusi Jaya Perkasa (SJP)

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Greenpeace Report "Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry"Peat Deforestation19 September 2018Non-RSPO


YP Plantation Sdn BhdYP Plantation Sdn Bhd


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Mighty Earth: Rapid Response Report 30Deforestation Peat06 August 2020Non-RSPO