Musim Mas

Genetic Research Centre

In Musim Mas, we drive innovation in good management practices, focusing on optimizing crop protection and peat management across our plantations.

Established since 2010, Genetic Research Centre (GRC) was set up to produce high quality non-GMO planting materials for Musim Mas Group as well as for external customers. We believe that sustainable agriculture hinges on maximizing land-use efficiency through higher yields.

To that end, we have been selectively breeding oil palm seeds to produce varieties that produce high oil yields. GRC is also dedicated to breeding superior oil palms that are resilient to harsh environmental conditions and possess desirable traits, such as enhanced disease resistance.

Musim Mas Genetic Research Centre

Your Trusted Partner, Musim Mas

Musim Mas’ industry-leading seed varieties are picked among the best of the best with a high selection intensity. To safeguard the high quality of our DxP seeds, we pledge to produce 99.9% purity tenera seeds. This guarantees efficient land use when planted according to best management practices, resulting in faster returns on investment and increased total oil production, among other benefits.

Through our research at GRC, we have successfully developed the Musim Mas GS Series DxP hybrid seeds, featuring four new varieties that offer higher oil yield potential than currently available market options. Musim Mas ensures the quality of its seeds through the following four guarantees:

More Efficient Land Use
By utilizing our GS seed varieties, plantations can significantly enhance land efficiency, reducing the need for agricultural expansion to boost output. We project a 20% increase in oil yields with when using our seeds with best management practices.
> Oil Extraction Rate (OER) = 28.5%
> Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Production up to 9-10MT/ha/Y.

Multi-location trial
Our expansive 450-hectare trial area in Sumatra and Kalimantan in Indonesia, an area four times larger than typical research stations, enables us to select from a broader pool of palm crosses. We’ve planted over 680 crosses, testing them under diverse weather and soil conditions to ensure they thrive and produce abundant fruit bunches in your plantations.

Proven Performance in Semi-Commercial Trial
After identifying the best seeds from our multi-location trials, we proceeded with further testing to obtain more conclusive results. Since 2021, we have conducted semi-commercial trials using our superior DxP seeds.

99.99% Pure GS Series Seeds
We take precise measures to maintain the purity of our seeds. By using pollen-proof pollination bags, we isolate the pollination of selected Dura and Pisifera palms to prevent unintended random pollination. Production involves a stringent selection process, utilizing 6.5% of the Dura tree population along with 6 Pisifera trees.

Expert Team with Years of Experience
Every successful seed germination is supported by our team of seasoned professionals. Our experts, including plant breeders, agronomists, and crop protection specialists, bring years of experience to the table. We provide tailored solutions based on your specific growing conditions, ensuring optimal results from field planting to harvesting.

Early return on investment (ROI)
Planters can recover their investments earlier by harvesting earlier because our palms are also selected for precocity. This means our palms bear fruit exceptionally early, allowing for the harvesting of fresh fruit bunches as soon as 25 months after field planting.

Assurance of After-Sales Service
Our skilled professionals are equipped with extensive technical knowledge and years of experience to address your concerns promptly and efficiently. From answering simple queries to managing complex challenges, our team ensures you receive the guidance and solutions tailored to your needs.

GS Series Products

Selected as the best among the best, DxP Musim Mas GS Seeds are available in four varieties to suit different output requirements and environmental factors.

Our specialists are glad to recommend the best-suited varieties to realize the best output possible, barring external factors. Find out more about our four leading seed varies, DxP Musim Mas GS1 to GS4 below.

DxP Musim Mas GS1

Potential of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB): 32.17 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of Oil Extraction Rate (OER): 29.32%

Potential of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Production: 9.41 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of CPO + PKO Total Oil Production: 10.17 (ton/ha/year)

DxP Musim Mas GS2

Potential of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB): 32.98 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of Oil Extraction Rate (OER): 31.09%

Potential of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Production: 10.26 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of CPO + PKO Total Oil Production: 10.85 (ton/ha/year)

DxP Musim Mas GS3

Potential of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB): 34.97 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of Oil Extraction Rate (OER): 28.79%

Potential of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Production: 10.06 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of CPO + PKO Total Oil Production: 10.83 (ton/ha/year)

DxP Musim Mas GS4

Potential of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB): 35.02 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of Oil Extraction Rate (OER): 27.32%

Potential of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Production: 9.55 (ton/ha/year)

Potential of CPO + PKO Total Oil Production: 10.48 (ton/ha/year)

Germinated oil palm seeds

"Build the Future Together"