Gunawan Siregar, President Director of PT Musim Mas, welcomed the visit of the Minister of Environment and Head of the Environmental Control Agency (BPLH), Hanif Faisol, and his delegation to review the implementation of Methane Capture technology at the PT Musim Mas palm oil mill.
Riau, 25 November 2024 – In order to prepare a roadmap for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Indonesian Minister of Environment and Head of the Environmental Control Agency (BPLH), Hanif Faisol, visited PT Musim Mas in Pelalawan Regency, Riau, on Saturday 23 November 2025.
Musim Mas is a pioneer in the use of methane capture facilities in the palm oil industry. This visit aimed to review the implementation of methane capture technology at the PT Musim Mas palm oil mill. Mr Hanif Faisol and his delegation was welcomed by the President Director of PT Musim Mas, Gunawan Siregar.
“We are preparing a roadmap for reducing GHG emissions, especially from methane produced by the palm oil industry. Here, we see good and strict liquid waste management practices, including using methane as a fuel for power plants,” said Hanif Faisol.
Hanif explained that the potential for reducing methane emissions from the Indonesian palm oil industry is quite significant. Studies show that crude palm oil (CPO) production in Indonesia produces around 900,000 tons of methane each year. If this methane is converted to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, its value equals 35 million tons of CO2.
Hanif emphasized accelerating methane management to improve Indonesia’s reputation in handling climate change. He also said that the government is currently drafting regulations, both ministerial regulations and decisions of the head of BPLH, to mandate the implementation of this technology throughout the palm oil industry.
“We are discussing with numerous parties, including international partners, to accelerate the implementation of Methane Capture technology. This step will also provide incentives related to carbon credits, which are very important in building a carbon-climate system,” he explained.
Gunawan Siregar, the President Director of PT Musim Mas, explained that the company was among the earliest to implement methane capture technology in its palm oil mills. This technology captures methane gas produced during the anaerobic digestion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), which would otherwise usually be released into the atmosphere. “The captured methane is utilized as fuel for power plants that support mill operations, plantations, and worker housing. One Methane Capture facility with a capacity of 1 megawatt can power up to 1,600 houses in rural areas,” said Gunawan Siregar.
“We have 17 Methane Capture facilities in our mills. In 2023, this facility has succeeded in avoiding emissions of 539,225 tons of CO2e, equivalent to emissions from 117 thousand passenger cars per year,” he concluded.
Musim Mas is the first palm oil group committed to investing in Methane Capture across its mills. Currently, Musim Mas’ 17 mills are equipped with Methane Capture facilities. These facilities avoid approximately 539,225 MT CO2e of methane emissions, equivalent to the emissions of 117,000 passenger cars per year.
Minister of Environment and Head of the Environmental Control Agency (BPLH), Hanif Faisol, and his delegation, accompanied by PT Musim Mas Management, on a visit to PT Musim Mas’ Methane Capture facility in Sorek, Riau.
About Musim Mas
Musim Mas Group is an integrated palm oil company globally, operating in 13 countries. From plantations, mills, refineries, kernel-crushing plants, oleochemicals plants, specialty fats plants, and functional products plants, Musim Mas manufactures palm oil products and value-added derivatives. Musim Mas is one of the largest palm oil producers in the world. The Group develops innovative value-added solutions for its customers, supported by Research and Development (R&D) centers in Singapore and Indonesia. Inter-Continental Oils and Fats (ICOF), a member of Musim Mas Group, undertakes global marketing activities.
The Group is committed to sustainability and was the first company with significant operations in Indonesia to join the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2004. Committed early to emissions reductions, Musim Mas is a signatory to the Agriculture Sector Roadmap to 1.5°C convened by the Tropical Forest Alliance. The roadmap aims to halt commodity-linked deforestation in line with the 1.5-degree pathway while enhancing the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and supporting the sector’s transformation toward forest-positive land-use management. In October 2024, Musim Mas announced that the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has officially validated the Group’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Musim Mas also manages the most extensive independent smallholder programs in Indonesia.
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