Musim Mas

Riau Province, Indonesia – Musim Mas is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, PT Musim Mas is the first in Indonesia to be re-certified according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Principles and Criteria (P&C). This is also the first re-certification for the Musim Mas Group.

The two Palm Oil mills, Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Pangkalan Lesung (Pangkalan Lesung) and Batang Kulim receive 100% of their raw materials from certified supply bases.

The Pangkalan Lesung mill is located in the Riau Province of Indonesia and lies on the southern part of the concession. The mill produces 66,454MT of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and 16,614MT of crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) for 2013, while Batang Kulim mill which lies on the northern part of the concession, produces 77,603MT of CPO and 19,020MT of CPKO. The certified supply base for Pangkalan Lesung mill is 12,811 ha, while Batang Kulim mill’s certified base is 11,926 ha, including the Group’s plantations and (external) Smallholders ’ landholdings.

Both mills were first RSPO-certified on 6 January 2009. This new round of certification will expire on 5 January 2019.

The certification is independently verified by Control Union (CUC). CUC is an RSPO-approved independent certification body, headquartered in the Netherlands.

Under the terms and conditions stipulated by the RSPO, growers will be assessed for certification once every five years and if certified, will be annually assessed for continued compliance. After five years, the main assessment will be repeated. The objective of these detailed requirements is to ensure that RSPO assessments are carried out with objectivity and consistency, together with the required levels of technical rigor and stakeholder credibility.

For more information, please visit the RSPO website

About the RSPO

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that provides a vital platform for stakeholders across the Palm Oil sector, to share perspectives and insight on crucial issues related to sustainability in the Palm Oil industry. Established in 2004, the RSPO is the world’s flagship certification body for sustainable Palm Oil .

With more than 1,500 members globally, RSPO aims to transform the Palm Oil market to make sustainable Palm Oil the norm, by promoting co-operation within the supply chain and facilitating an open dialogue between stakeholders. The RSPO annual production capacity of sustainable Palm Oil is 16% of the global crude Palm Oil market.