Musim Mas

Musim Mas’ Commitment Towards Respecting Labour and Human Rights

Musim Mas places a strong emphasis on respecting and upholding human rights for our employees and communities. Our commitment is guided by international benchmarks and national standards. As a member of POIG1, we actively elevate labor standards through innovative approaches, aligning policies since 2015 with the Free and Fair Labor in Palm Oil Production Principles. Independent labor audits with Verité form the basis for continuous improvements.

Additionally, Musim Mas is deeply engaged in RSPO and HCSA2, contributing to the RSPO Human Rights Working Group and the HCSA Social Requirements Working Group. Beyond compliance, our dedication extends to the wellbeing of workers and local communities. We forge sustained partnerships, ensuring access to the benefits of a sustainable oil palm development model.

1 POIG has since concluded at the end of 2023.
2 Musim Mas sent a formal notice to HCSA Secretariat on 24th November 2023 to announce our membership withdrawal. As of 23rd December 2023, Musim Mas is officially an inactive member of HCSA.

Protecting Workplace Human Rights

Our 38,000-strong workforce is the backbone of Musim Mas. Each employee operates in a safe, progressive environment with standards surpassing the palm oil industry norm. We prioritize dignity, fair compensation, and access to a transparent grievance system. We constantly monitor market dynamics to ensure compliance with legal and industry standards, providing a decent living wage. Transparent record-keeping and retaining workers’ control over identity documents are integral to our policy. Additionally, we heavily invest in infrastructure and facilitate employee input through our annual Musim Mas Improvement Day.

No child, bonded or forced labour

Musim Mas firmly opposes forced or trafficked labour and strictly prohibits child labour in our operations. Our recruitment policy includes age verification, ensuring no one under 18 is employed. In 2022, there were no reported cases of child labor. We’ve integrated measures, including interviews, to prevent underage, forced, or trafficked labour. These policies are regularly communicated to employees and unions.

Despite cultural challenges, especially among smallholders with family members under 18, we actively address this through socialization programs. These programs emphasize the importance of education and children’s rights in the plantation context. To support this, Musim Mas provides schools and childcare centers in and around our plantations, ensuring parents can work without concerns about their children’s safety and education.

Musim Mas does not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace and maintains a policy of non-discrimination. To address harassment and assault, we’ve established procedures ensuring complainant anonymity and preventing interference throughout the investigation and escalation procedure. The procedure is also regularly communicated to workers.

The Musim Mas Gender Committee, an elected body comprising men and women, reviews policies pertaining to human rights and equality in the workplace, ensures vulnerable groups (such as women and children) are aware of their rights and that those rights are accessible whenever necessary, such as menstruation leave and breastfeeding facilities. The committee also addresses issues or key aspects such as sexual assault, domestic abuse, victim support, and facilitating resolutions with management guidance.

The Committee disseminates policies, conducts socialization, and routinely visits workers’ houses and schools to expand the coverage of training and socialization on gender critical issues. address harassment cases. External training ensures proper handling, and we’re standardizing disciplinary systems with defined roles and an integrated investigation process for objectivity in sanctions.

Musim Mas prioritizes merit-based employment and promotion, regardless of race, nationality, religion, age, or union affiliation. We ensure equal treatment and fair rewards for competency and experience.

Male and female workers receive equal entry-level wages regardless of gender. We ensure equal opportunities are provided through access to job vacancy and promotion.

Musim Mas staff and workers, including temporary workers, are paid at least the minimum wage in their respective regions, and their employment conditions comply with all local and national labour legislation. Male and female workers across Sumatra and Kalimantan receive equal entry-level wages regardless of gender.

In addition, we provide workers at our upstream operations with in-kind benefits, including housing, healthcare, electricity, water, transportation, separation pay, termination pay, childcare, and education for school-age children. We annually assess living wages at our Indonesian operations, and workers’ salaries and in-kind benefits are aligned with Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and other living wage calculations.

Time and payroll records transparently reflect all hours worked, ensuring proper compensation. Ongoing dialogue with unions and government bodies guides our efforts to establish better policies for working hours in the palm oil industry.

Musim Mas’ family-friendly practices at our plantations and mills help working couples. We provide parental leave, on-site education for school-age children, scholarships for secondary school students, and childcare facilities. We support expecting and new mothers with healthcare education, prenatal and postnatal healthcare services, and breastfeeding stations at our facilities. We have enacted specific employment policies for women with infants.

Recognizing water scarcity, we’ve implemented a water rationing system, providing a steady supply of clean water to worker households. Consistent socialization promotes water efficiency, contributing to sustainable practices in our communities.

All employees are free to join the labour union of their choice and participate in union meetings. We maintain positive relationships between management and union representatives and hold regular meetings to discuss wages, benefits, leave, and other employment issues. We also support our employees in Indonesia by regularly collecting their feedback through bipartite cooperation committees or Lembaga Kerja Sama (LKS) Bipartit, comprising company representatives and workers.

We respect the right of our employees to engage in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), and 100% of our employees in Indonesia are covered by CBAs that comply with government regulations. Employees in Indonesia have access to transparent CBAs and clauses on CBA are consulted in collective manner with all workers and the union. We communicate the availability of CBAs during union meetings and morning briefings, distribute CBAs to field supervisors, and make them available at estate, mill, and union offices, so workers can access and consult them.

Some employees in other countries of operation are part of collective bargaining agreements or unions, depending on the country’s legislation.

All workers have access to a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism without fear of reprisal or dismissal.

Our internal, site-level grievance procedure has been communicated to our workers and we regularly post reminders about the system on public boards. Employees can raise complaints through suggestion boxes located around our operations, through grievance logbooks at administrative offices, over the phone to Public Affairs Department (Hubungan Masyarakat), or through the worker union. Complaints filed with supervisors are escalated to mill managers and all grievances are either processed within a week or are raised in regular management meetings for discussion and resolution.

For more information on our grievance mechanism, refer here.

We provide a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees. Our occupational safety and health (OSH) policy complies with national laws and regulations, as well as ILO guidelines. Group-level senior management oversees and reviews the performance of the OSH management system, including performance goals and continuous improvement programs.

A committee responsible for Safety, Health and Environmental Quality is set up at each operation to enforce the protocols and standards for safety. They are responsible for identifying potential hazards and ensuring the availability and optimal condition of safety equipment. They meet quarterly to discuss safety issues and concerns, and meeting outcomes are reported to the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. The committee is chaired by the highest-ranking person responsible for the safety of company personnel.

Safety is everybody’s responsibility. We conduct regular training and safety drills, including basic safety training, first aid and emergency response procedures, fire-fighting drills and socialization of material data safety sheet for chemicals. We also inculcate the habit of donning adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, helmets, boots, masks and safety clothing. We have built safety criteria into our employees’ personal performance evaluations.

There are many clinics and first aid kits strategically located across our plantations to ensure immediate medical attention. Workers who handle herbicides and pesticides are provided with monthly medical check-ups. We maintain records on illnesses, which are summarized in monthly reports, and dominant health issues are analyzed so that action plans can be prepared to limit their occurrence or prevent their spreading. Information on health issues is socialized among all workers as a preventive measure.

As a result, the total number of accidents reported in our operations has been decreasing year on year (refer to our Sustainability Report for details). We are constantly working on reducing accident severity, as well as ensuring that all workers are adequately prepared and equipped for higher-risk activities.

Musim Mas takes employee fatalities extremely seriously. We investigate every fatal incident and take appropriate measures to eliminate such accidents from our workplaces. Procedures and risk assessments are reviewed and revised where necessary, to minimize these occupational risks and hazards. We also reinforce supervision and safety management with intensive trainings to promote greater awareness amongst employees throughout our operations.

Musim Mas firmly opposes forced or trafficked labour and strictly prohibits child labour in our operations. Our recruitment policy includes age verification, ensuring no one under 18 is employed. In 2022, there were no reported cases of child labor. We’ve integrated measures, including interviews, to prevent underage, forced, or trafficked labour. These policies are regularly communicated to employees and unions.

Despite cultural challenges, especially among smallholders with family members under 18, we actively address this through socialization programs. These programs emphasize the importance of education and children’s rights in the plantation context. To support this, Musim Mas provides schools and childcare centers in and around our plantations, ensuring parents can work without concerns about their children’s safety and education.

Musim Mas does not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace and maintains a policy of non-discrimination. To address harassment and assault, we’ve established procedures ensuring complainant anonymity and preventing interference throughout the investigation and escalation procedure. The procedure is also regularly communicated to workers.

The Musim Mas Gender Committee, an elected body comprising men and women, reviews policies pertaining to human rights and equality in the workplace, ensures vulnerable groups (such as women and children) are aware of their rights and that those rights are accessible whenever necessary, such as menstruation leave and breastfeeding facilities. The committee also addresses issues or key aspects such as sexual assault, domestic abuse, victim support, and facilitating resolutions with management guidance.

The Committee disseminates policies, conducts socialization, and routinely visits workers’ houses and schools to expand the coverage of training and socialization on gender critical issues. address harassment cases. External training ensures proper handling, and we’re standardizing disciplinary systems with defined roles and an integrated investigation process for objectivity in sanctions.

Musim Mas prioritizes merit-based employment and promotion, regardless of race, nationality, religion, age, or union affiliation. We ensure equal treatment and fair rewards for competency and experience.

Male and female workers receive equal entry-level wages regardless of gender. We ensure equal opportunities are provided through access to job vacancy and promotion.

Musim Mas staff and workers, including temporary workers, are paid at least the minimum wage in their respective regions, and their employment conditions comply with all local and national labour legislation. Male and female workers across Sumatra and Kalimantan receive equal entry-level wages regardless of gender.

In addition, we provide workers at our upstream operations with in-kind benefits, including housing, healthcare, electricity, water, transportation, separation pay, termination pay, childcare, and education for school-age children. We annually assess living wages at our Indonesian operations, and workers’ salaries and in-kind benefits are aligned with Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and other living wage calculations.

Time and payroll records transparently reflect all hours worked, ensuring proper compensation. Ongoing dialogue with unions and government bodies guides our efforts to establish better policies for working hours in the palm oil industry.

Musim Mas’ family-friendly practices at our plantations and mills help working couples. We provide parental leave, on-site education for school-age children, scholarships for secondary school students, and childcare facilities. We support expecting and new mothers with healthcare education, prenatal and postnatal healthcare services, and breastfeeding stations at our facilities. We have enacted specific employment policies for women with infants.

Recognizing water scarcity, we’ve implemented a water rationing system, providing a steady supply of clean water to worker households. Consistent socialization promotes water efficiency, contributing to sustainable practices in our communities.

All employees are free to join the labour union of their choice and participate in union meetings. We maintain positive relationships between management and union representatives and hold regular meetings to discuss wages, benefits, leave, and other employment issues. We also support our employees in Indonesia by regularly collecting their feedback through bipartite cooperation committees or Lembaga Kerja Sama (LKS) Bipartit, comprising company representatives and workers.

We respect the right of our employees to engage in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), and 100% of our employees in Indonesia are covered by CBAs that comply with government regulations. Employees in Indonesia have access to transparent CBAs and clauses on CBA are consulted in collective manner with all workers and the union. We communicate the availability of CBAs during union meetings and morning briefings, distribute CBAs to field supervisors, and make them available at estate, mill, and union offices, so workers can access and consult them.

Some employees in other countries of operation are part of collective bargaining agreements or unions, depending on the country’s legislation.

All workers have access to a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism without fear of reprisal or dismissal.

Our internal, site-level grievance procedure has been communicated to our workers and we regularly post reminders about the system on public boards. Employees can raise complaints through suggestion boxes located around our operations, through grievance logbooks at administrative offices, over the phone to Public Affairs Department (Hubungan Masyarakat), or through the worker union. Complaints filed with supervisors are escalated to mill managers and all grievances are either processed within a week or are raised in regular management meetings for discussion and resolution.

For more information on our grievance mechanism, refer here.

We provide a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees. Our occupational safety and health (OSH) policy complies with national laws and regulations, as well as ILO guidelines. Group-level senior management oversees and reviews the performance of the OSH management system, including performance goals and continuous improvement programs.

A committee responsible for Safety, Health and Environmental Quality is set up at each operation to enforce the protocols and standards for safety. They are responsible for identifying potential hazards and ensuring the availability and optimal condition of safety equipment. They meet quarterly to discuss safety issues and concerns, and meeting outcomes are reported to the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. The committee is chaired by the highest-ranking person responsible for the safety of company personnel.

Safety is everybody’s responsibility. We conduct regular training and safety drills, including basic safety training, first aid and emergency response procedures, fire-fighting drills and socialization of material data safety sheet for chemicals. We also inculcate the habit of donning adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, helmets, boots, masks and safety clothing. We have built safety criteria into our employees’ personal performance evaluations.

There are many clinics and first aid kits strategically located across our plantations to ensure immediate medical attention. Workers who handle herbicides and pesticides are provided with monthly medical check-ups. We maintain records on illnesses, which are summarized in monthly reports, and dominant health issues are analyzed so that action plans can be prepared to limit their occurrence or prevent their spreading. Information on health issues is socialized among all workers as a preventive measure.

As a result, the total number of accidents reported in our operations has been decreasing year on year (refer to our Sustainability Report for details). We are constantly working on reducing accident severity, as well as ensuring that all workers are adequately prepared and equipped for higher-risk activities.

Musim Mas takes employee fatalities extremely seriously. We investigate every fatal incident and take appropriate measures to eliminate such accidents from our workplaces. Procedures and risk assessments are reviewed and revised where necessary, to minimize these occupational risks and hazards. We also reinforce supervision and safety management with intensive trainings to promote greater awareness amongst employees throughout our operations.

Supporting Community Development and Respecting Community Rights

Despite significant economic progress in the past 15 years, 28 million people still live below the poverty line in Indonesia, as per the World Bank. Palm oil production, supporting around 50 million Indonesians directly or indirectly, has the potential to uplift millions from poverty. Musim Mas, as a socially responsible company, actively fights poverty by providing jobs, basic amenities, medical services, and education. Through long-term partnerships with communities and civil society organizations, we address critical issues and respect all human rights, including those of  local communities, families, and tenure holders.

Land and Community Rights

We fully recognize and uphold the rights of local communities, and in particular indigenous landowners, to determine the use of their land. Without their Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), we do not pursue developments or expansion. All negotiations concerning compensation for lost benefits and/or the relinquishing of rights are conducted in a noncoercive manner and are agreed upon voluntarily by the communities.

We adhere to the RSPO New Planting Procedure (NPP) and undertake a Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) to review the social conditions of local and surrounding communities in relation to any new development. Management and monitoring plans are subsequently developed and implemented.

Musim Mas socializes the proposed plan among local communities, and all relevant information is shared openly, including impact assessments, proposed benefits, and legal arrangements. We respond constructively and promptly to requests for information from all stakeholders. All interactions are conducted through open and transparent communication channels, and consultation is facilitated between growers and/or millers and local communities. We discuss potential community development projects with village heads and villagers and report their progress. All negotiations concerning compensation for loss of legal or customary rights or other complaints and grievances are documented in full.

At Musim Mas, we believe that education is the key to economic development and better livelihoods. We provide free education for all employees´ children and have built and funded schools within our plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Rated as top schools in each respective region, our schools provide kindergarten and elementary education to children of Musim Mas employees and those from the surrounding communities.

Beyond basic education, all students have access to computer classes and extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, and leadership development. Through the Anwar Karim Foundation, we have provided scholarships for underprivileged elementary students to support equal education opportunities. With Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (GNOTA), Musim Mas also annually provides uniforms and books to students living in the communities surrounding our plantations.

We also provide free transport for older students who wish to continue their education at local secondary schools.

Musim Mas provides free health care to all workers and local communities through medical centers across all our operational sites.

The service includes medical check-ups and routine vaccinations for infants. Supported by the Anwar Karim Foundation, free public health screening programs have also been established through polyclinics in Medan and Surabaya. All employees and community members have access to national health insurance as all medical centers partner with Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan, the Indonesian Social Insurance Administration Organization.

At Musim Mas, we ensure that food security is maintained or strengthened at all our facilities and through the programs we implement. Free food is provided to children under five through our integrated family planning service center, Pos Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana – Kesehatan Terpadu (Posyandu).

Through our Indonesian Palm Oil Development for Smallholders program, we trialed a health and nutrition training initiative for women in Rantau Prapat.

We introduced the food pyramid illustrating the optimal proportions of each food group needed to achieve a balanced diet and the useful motto “Empat Sehat Lima Sempurna,” or “Four Healthy Five Perfect.” More than 1,000 women from Rantau Prapat have participated in the health and nutrition training, and many have adopted healthier practices. Musim Mas and IFC are looking to replicate this educational outreach program in other villages.

To address malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, we provide all our plantation workers with land to cultivate fruit and vegetables. In addition, the houses we provide for workers include a designated plot of land for gardening. We also require community members who sell land to the company to confirm that they have retained enough land to meet their needs.

In addition to our community programs, we operate a long-standing outreach initiative through the Anwar Karim Foundation. Under the Foundation, Musim Mas has provided shelter for orphans and the elderly in Surabaya, contributing to the livelihoods of the underprivileged. The program also explores ways to ensure children become literate and self-reliant individuals.

The Foundation supports the national efforts to tackle the impact of natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi (2018) by dispatching food and other necessities to the disaster-stricken areas.

Other community projects include the construction of wells, road repairs, free medical aid, and financial assistance for local community projects. These create employment and increase income levels across the community.

We fully recognize and uphold the rights of local communities, and in particular indigenous landowners, to determine the use of their land. Without their Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), we do not pursue developments or expansion. All negotiations concerning compensation for lost benefits and/or the relinquishing of rights are conducted in a noncoercive manner and are agreed upon voluntarily by the communities.

We adhere to the RSPO New Planting Procedure (NPP) and undertake a Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) to review the social conditions of local and surrounding communities in relation to any new development. Management and monitoring plans are subsequently developed and implemented.

Musim Mas socializes the proposed plan among local communities, and all relevant information is shared openly, including impact assessments, proposed benefits, and legal arrangements. We respond constructively and promptly to requests for information from all stakeholders. All interactions are conducted through open and transparent communication channels, and consultation is facilitated between growers and/or millers and local communities. We discuss potential community development projects with village heads and villagers and report their progress. All negotiations concerning compensation for loss of legal or customary rights or other complaints and grievances are documented in full.

At Musim Mas, we believe that education is the key to economic development and better livelihoods. We provide free education for all employees´ children and have built and funded schools within our plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Rated as top schools in each respective region, our schools provide kindergarten and elementary education to children of Musim Mas employees and those from the surrounding communities.

Beyond basic education, all students have access to computer classes and extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, and leadership development. Through the Anwar Karim Foundation, we have provided scholarships for underprivileged elementary students to support equal education opportunities. With Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (GNOTA), Musim Mas also annually provides uniforms and books to students living in the communities surrounding our plantations.

We also provide free transport for older students who wish to continue their education at local secondary schools.

Musim Mas provides free health care to all workers and local communities through medical centers across all our operational sites.

The service includes medical check-ups and routine vaccinations for infants. Supported by the Anwar Karim Foundation, free public health screening programs have also been established through polyclinics in Medan and Surabaya. All employees and community members have access to national health insurance as all medical centers partner with Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan, the Indonesian Social Insurance Administration Organization.

At Musim Mas, we ensure that food security is maintained or strengthened at all our facilities and through the programs we implement. Free food is provided to children under five through our integrated family planning service center, Pos Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana – Kesehatan Terpadu (Posyandu).

Through our Indonesian Palm Oil Development for Smallholders program, we trialed a health and nutrition training initiative for women in Rantau Prapat.

We introduced the food pyramid illustrating the optimal proportions of each food group needed to achieve a balanced diet and the useful motto “Empat Sehat Lima Sempurna,” or “Four Healthy Five Perfect.” More than 1,000 women from Rantau Prapat have participated in the health and nutrition training, and many have adopted healthier practices. Musim Mas and IFC are looking to replicate this educational outreach program in other villages.

To address malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, we provide all our plantation workers with land to cultivate fruit and vegetables. In addition, the houses we provide for workers include a designated plot of land for gardening. We also require community members who sell land to the company to confirm that they have retained enough land to meet their needs.

In addition to our community programs, we operate a long-standing outreach initiative through the Anwar Karim Foundation. Under the Foundation, Musim Mas has provided shelter for orphans and the elderly in Surabaya, contributing to the livelihoods of the underprivileged. The program also explores ways to ensure children become literate and self-reliant individuals.

The Foundation supports the national efforts to tackle the impact of natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi (2018) by dispatching food and other necessities to the disaster-stricken areas.

Other community projects include the construction of wells, road repairs, free medical aid, and financial assistance for local community projects. These create employment and increase income levels across the community.