我们的故事开始于印度尼西亚棉兰的Nam Cheong肥皂厂,那时制造高质量的肥皂产品,并分销至本地和国际市场。起步虽小,但数十年来依靠敬业的员工辛勤工作,我们终于取得硕果。
我们的全球营销活动由春金集团成员洲际油脂公司 (ICOF) 承担。
As one of the most prominent players in the palm oil industry, we aspire to be a responsible leader in the evolution of the industry, driving a new era of sustainability with innovation across the globe. We were the first major oil palm group to be 100% certified by the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) for all our plantations in Indonesia in 2012, and the first palm oil major to be verified by the Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) in 2019.
Our dedicated team of professionals across the entire palm oil supply chain work closely with national and international stakeholders, ensuring that our products are economically viable, socially responsible, and environmentally appropriate.
我们的故事开始于印度尼西亚棉兰的Nam Cheong肥皂厂,那时制造高质量的肥皂产品,并分销至本地和国际市场。起步虽小,但数十年来依靠敬业的员工辛勤工作,我们终于取得硕果。