Since 2019, we use the industry-leading NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework (IRF) reporting tool to systematically assess our supplying mills’ progress on implementing industry No Deforestation and No Peat commitments and classifying them into one of six categories: Unknown, Known, Awareness, Commitments and Starting Action, Progressing, and Delivering.
Using a consistent framework for reporting on commitments and activities allow Musim Mas and the palm oil industry to understand what is required to deliver commitments, monitor their progress, identify gaps, and drive improvement. We also see the NDPE IRF as a way for the industry to identify and address the challenges faced by suppliers and avoid using the assessment process to cherry-pick or ‘green-pick’ suppliers.
Musim Mas has achieved high levels of traceability by successfully collecting the required data for NDPE IRF reporting from our supply base through our supplier monitoring and engagement programs.
We know that 95.0% of the total volumes sourced in 2023 were “Delivering” on their No Deforestation commitments, and 95.7% were “Delivering” on their No Peat commitments.
Over the past two years, more suppliers moved from the “Commitments and starting action” category to the “Progressing” and “Delivering” categories. We aim to have 100% of suppliers “Delivering” on their NDPE commitments by 2025 and are collaborating with them through our landscape initiatives and Smallholders Hubs to achieve this objective.
Control Union (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. verifies our NDPE IRF Reporting. You can find our No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation Implementation Reporting Framework (NDPE IRF) verification statement here.
We maintain 100% completion of NDPE IRF for all facilities, which is available in the map below.